Private John Marshall:
as source, 8
on weather on march to Danube, 265
on action at Donauwörth, 275–6
at battle of Blenheim, 292
at Lines of Brabant, 315
on French artillery pieces, 316
and crossing of Dyle, 320
and demolition of Lines of Brabant, 323
at battle of Ramillies, 334, 345
and advance in Brabant, 349
on battle of Oudenarde, 383, 390
at Ghent, 405
on siege of Tournai, 419
in battle of Malplaquet, 428–9
on 1711 campaign, 456
qualities, 477
Dedem, Lieutenant General Coenraad Willem van, 323
Delamere, Henry Booth, 2nd Baron, 18
Dendemonde, 349, 373, 375
Dender, river, 362, 373, 378, 395
troops in Irish campaign, 169–70
troops in Grand Alliance, 202, 409
casualties at Blenheim, 297
cavalry at Ramillies, 341, 346–7
cavalry at Oudenarde, 387
Derby, James Stanley, 19th Earl of, 26
Dettingen, battle of (1743), 284
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st Duke ( earlier 4th Earl) of, 137, 163, 180
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of, 464
Diepenbeek, river, 384, 387
Diest, 75
Dijkvelde, Everaarde van Weede, Baron van, 141
Disarming Acts (Scotland), 471
and Occasional Conformity, 239
Dixmude, 75
Donauwörth, 250, 269–76
Dongan, Colonel Thomas, 52
Donia, Private John, 402
Dopff, General Daniel Wolf, Baron van, 317, 335, 374, 391, 464
Dorset, Charles Sackville, 6th Earl of, 140, 143, 154, 156
Douai, 393, 399, 455
siege and capture (1710), 214, 443, 450–1
Douglas, Lord George see Dumbarton, Earl of
Dover, Treaty of (1670), 51, 65, 67, 77
function and role, 101–2
quartered on French Huguenots, 130
Drake, Eleanor, Lady, 41–2, 44
Drake, Sir John, 41
Drake, John (Eleanor’s son), 42
Drake, ‘Captain’ Peter:
as source, 9
duels, 19–20
serves in Low Countries, 204–5, 231
on halberd sergeants, 307
at Ramillies, 334, 346
wounded and surrenders at Malplaquet, 432
Drummer, Edward, 122
Dryden, John, 18
All for Love , 473
Du Muy (Du Mé), Lucas, 401
duels, 19–21
Duke of Marlborough’s New Exercise of Firelocks and Bayonets, The (1708), 284
Dumbarton, Lord George Douglas, Earl of, 52, 80, 120–1, 124, 128
Dundas, Sandy, 21
Dundee, John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount, 172
British troops in, 48, 50, 469
sold to France, 48
attack planned, 175
privateers, 393
Britain demands demolition of defences, 410
Duras, Louis de see Feversham, 1st Earl of
Dutch Guards, 160, 168, 189, 191, 426, 429
Dutch, the:
Marlborough’s attitude to, 4, 196, 255, 321–2
officers favoured by William, 27, 172, 182
British troops support French against, 52, 65
raid Medway (1667), 61
Louis XIV threatens, 65–6
in War of League of Augsburg, 182
differ from Marlborough in strategy, 255–6
casualties at Blenheim, 297
acknowledge Marlborough’s princely title, 303
and magazine at Trier, 309
oppose Marlborough’s advance over Dyle river, 317, 320–1
differences among generals, 318
withhold troops from Italy, 331
at battle of Ramillies, 341, 343, 345, 347
cooperate in attack on French coast, 350
share government of Spanish Netherlands with Britain, 361, 368, 371
at battle of Oudenarde, 387
troops at Malplaquet, 426, 429–30, 432
sign first Barrier Treaty (1709), 435
territorial claims in Netherlands, 435
ill-served by Treaty of Utrecht, 459
send troops in support against 1715 Jacobite rebellion, 470
see also United Provinces
Dutch Republic see United Provinces
Dutch War, Third (1672–4), 52, 61, 77–8
Duumvirs (Marlborough and Godolphin), 353, 363–4, 407, 412, 442
Dyle, river, 240, 242, 316–17, 320–1, 333
Earle, Peter, 112
Earle, Major General Thomas, 394, 396, 398–9
Eckeren, battle of (1703), 244–6
Edinburgh Parliament:
Marlborough sits in, 99
Eename, 382–3
Eifel, 249
Elgin, 3rd Earl of see Ailesbury, 2nd Earl of
Elixheim, 315
Elizabeth I, Queen, 302
Ellis, John, 259, 296, 310
Elnberger, Major General, 75
Elst’s Dutch battalion, 367
Union with Scotland (1707),
Rhonda Gibson, Winnie Griggs, Rachelle McCalla, Shannon Farrington