as, 212, 233, 234, 239; patent medicine as, 184, 196, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205; phrenology of, 77; and renewed interest in irregular medicine, 254; Thomsonism as, 39
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst, 147â48,
, 169â75, 178â79
quinine, 3, 117
Race, Victor, 157â58
Rapport des Commissaires
, 157
âRattlesnake King,â 183
Reagan, Ronald, 226
reform movements, 11â12, 257â58
regular medicine: advances in, 244â45; African Americans in, 20; ambivalence toward, 262; bureaucracy of, 251; choice to use, 18; disillusionment with, 253; doctor-patient relationship in, 252; efficacy of, 17â18; fragmentation into specialties of, 252; âheroicâ approaches to, 7â9, 13, 18; high cost of, 253, 256; Oliver Wendell Holmes on, 17; influence of irregular medicine on, 258â59; vs. irregular medicine, 2â3, 12â13; licensing requirements for, 245; loss of status by, 14â15; poor training in, 15â16; and public health, 245â46; shortcomings of, 17â18; similarities between irregular and, 259â60; view of irregular medicine of, 16â17; women in, 18â19, 102â3, 248â49; wonder drugs of, 251â52
Reinhardt, Willis and Wallis, 193â94, 198â99, 203, 206
rheumatism, 230
riots, 14â15
risk taking, 257â58
Rockefeller Foundation, 247
Roosevelt, Theodore, 234
Round Hill House, 95
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 105
Rush, Benjamin, 9, 14, 27, 38, 87, 221
sanitation, 245â46
Sappington, John, 2â3
Sartain, Harriet Judd, 137
scarificator, 7
scarlet fever, 134â35
science: laboratory, 140; medical, 15, 17, 139, 245; and medical practice, 260; of mind, 54â55, 59, 64; public interest in, 195
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
(Eddy), 175, 176
âScience of Healthâ (Quimby), 173
scientific shows, 195â96
Scoresby, William, 153â54
Scultetus, Johannes, 211
self-treatment, 9â10
Seward, William, 133
Sewell, Thomas, 75
sexual dysfunction, 193, 198â99
sexually transmitted diseases, 193
Shay, Timothy, 164â65
Shepherd, J. P., 45â46
Shew, Joel, 89
Shortâs Medica Britannica
(Franklin), 26
showers, 105
similars, law of, 117â18
Similia similibus curantur
, 117â18
Sinclair, Upton, 205
small doses in homeopathy, 118â19, 121â22
smallpox vaccine, 44, 118
Smith, E., 9â10
Smith, Elizabeth, 97, 115
Smith, J. Dickson, 35
Smith, Oakley, 224â25
Smith, William, 217
snake oil, 3, 183â84
snake venom, 127
social movements, 257
Society of Universal Harmony, 154
somatoform disorders, 170
somnambulism, 158â60, 180
spa therapy, 86â87
specialties in regular medicine, 252
spiritualist movement, 173â74, 179
Spurzheim, Johann, 58â62
Stanley, Clark, 183
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 97,
, 115â16, 133, 144
STDs, 193
steam baths, 31
Still, Andrew Taylor: on blood and Law of the Artery, 215â16; diagnostic techniques of, 216â17; early life of, 213; loss of confidence in medicine, 213â14; as magnetic healer, 214; as medical circuit rider, 214â15; on nervous system, 216; and origin of osteopathy, 214â15; on osteopathic charlatans, 226; on osteopathy vs. massage, 217; school opened by, 217â19, 227; spirituality of, 214, 215, 222â23, 231; as âstraightâ vs. âmixer,â 228â29
Still, Charles, 235â36
Stille, Alfred, 250
Stillman, Benjamin, 195
Stone, William, 162
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 6, 95, 104
streptomycin, 250
subluxations, 221â22, 223
sulfonamides, 250
The Surgeons Store-House
(Scultetus), 211
Swazey, George W., 136
sweating used by Samuel Thomson, 31
sweat lodges, 86
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 56â57, 187
Swedish massage, 1
Sweet, Benoni, 212â13
Sweet, Job, 212â13
sycosis, 124
syphilis, 124
systemic lupus erythematosus, 134
tartar emetic, 189
Temkin, Owsei, 266
Tennyson, Alfred (Lord), 88