Marked. Part I: The missing Link

Marked. Part I: The missing Link Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Marked. Part I: The missing Link Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.M. Sevilla
Why is he avoiding looking at me?
    “ A little achy, but no real damage.”
    “ Can you remember what happened?” Stevie probes, handing me water that I guzzle down.
    “ Unfortunately, every detail.”
    My neighbor's head snaps up, “I think you guys should let me take her home. She needs to rest. She can fill you guys in on the details tomorrow.”
    “Is that what you want, Lily?” Naomi asks, appearing to not like the idea. “I can bring you home just as easily.”
    “ No, it's fine.”
    Stevie and Naomi help me up.
    Stevie wraps her arms around me in a hug, “I'm so sorry. Jay told us some guys tried to attack you but ran off when they saw him coming. I'm so so sorry, it's all our fault. We shouldn't have let you go outside alone. I'm so sorry.”
    I hug her back, “It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself for something only those dickheads should be blamed for.” I tilt my head back, “Who's Jay?”
    My neighbor clears his throat, “That would be me.”
    Now I have a name.
    “I'm ready to go home,” I inform him.
    He nods and opens the door. We follow him out and Naomi leans in to whisper in my ear.
    “You sure you're safe with this guy?”
    “ Positive.” What he's capable of and the dark evil look his eyes posses may frighten me, but I know without a doubt he would never harm me.
    “ 'Kay, and you promise to call me tomorrow?”
    “ I promise.”
    We walk them to Stevie's Jeep, and once Naomi drives off we go to his truck. He opens the passenger door for me and helps me up. I try not to think about how big and strong his hands feel on my waist.
    We drive in silence while I stare at him, studying his face and the scar that's facing me. I reach my arm out and run my thumb across the smallest one along his temple. His body stiffens  against my touch.
    “ Thanks for saving me.”
    His hands tighten around the steering wheel, “You want to tell me how the hell it got that far?” His tone is soft and I don't take offense to his question.
    “I needed air and went out the exit into the ally. Three of them approached me and I tried opening the door but it was locked...” I wrap my arms around myself like a blanket.
    “ Never mind. Don't tell me. It will only make me want to hunt them down and rip their fucking heads off.”
    “ Good. I don't really want to talk about it,” a light sob escapes the back of my throat and I feel like a wuss. It's not like anything happened. It never got that far. A tear runs down my cheek and I brush it away before he can see. I want to lift my legs up and wrap my arms around myself but I don't want him to see how much tonight has affected me, it's pitiful. I settle for twirling my hair and chewing on my lip, which hurts...a lot. It feels huge in my mouth and I can feel the broken skin with my tongue.
    “ Don't do that,” Jay reaches over and tugs on my chin, releasing my bottom lip. “It's swollen and bruised. You'll make it worse.”
    I'm disappointed when we arrive home. I like being in the safety of his truck and the soothing roll of a moving vehicle.
    “Do you think we can drive around for awhile?” I can't believe what a child I'm being.
    He doesn't respond, just flips the truck around and keeps driving.
    “I know you wanted to drive me home because you didn't want me to tell my friends how easily you whooped those guys asses. Why is that?”
    His hands twist around the steering wheel and I can tell he's thinking how he wants to explain it to me, “I'm afraid if they know what I did they will tell others, and word will get around about what I can do. I try very hard to go unnoticed.”
    I let out a small laugh from his comment, “You have seen yourself, right?”
    He lets out a laugh as well, “Touchè.”
    “I don't mean just these,” I say, running the pad of my thumb over the scar on his temple. “You're huge and your eyes are scary at times; it's impossible to forget them.”
    “ Do I scare you?” His voice is barely above a whisper.
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