Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel

Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Colville
been here yet?”
    “They came about the fire. Don’t worry, they’re not coming back. I told them you were still out cold. Daniel wanted to talk to you though. You’re going to wait for him, right? He was so worried about you.”
    Samuel smiled remembering just how sweetly Daniel had treated him. “I want to see him. To thank him for all his help. Oh, and I need my bags too.” He grinned up at the nurse.
    She nodded as she removed the IV tube attached to the needle in his arm and checked the machine next to him. “Okay, let me grab you another gown. We don’t want everyone seeing your bum as you walk around now, do we? Despite it being a very cute one.” She smiled at him as he felt the blush creep over every inch of him then helped him sit up and watched him settle down before she left him.
    When she returned, Samuel followed her through the corridors into the bathroom, sitting beside the bath as it filled up. It was huge, the biggest one he’d ever seen. It had some sort of machine above it holding what looked like a big plastic sheet.
    “We use it lower disabled people into the bath.” His nurse smiled at him.
    “It will be like being in a swimming pool, but really hot.” Samuel played with the water, wanting to jump in right then.
    “I’ve brought you all the toiletries you’ll need.” She placed a few small bottles by the bath and a razor and toothbrush by the sink. “There are fresh pajamas on the chair there. Pull this cord if you need anything and someone will come running. I’ll leave you to enjoy your bath in private.”
    “Thank you.” Samuel jumped up and bit his lip as he grinned at her.
    “Have fun.” She waved as she closed the door.
    Samuel stripped off the two hospital gowns he had on and carefully lifted his leg over the side of the tall bath, slipping just his big toe in and sighing loudly. He needed this, not just to get rid of the grime on his skin, but just to feel heat all around him, helping his joints relax like they hadn’t done in months.
    The bath water was up to his nose and he could stretch out his long legs without touching the other end of the bath. He just floated in the steaming water before he eventually began to wash himself. His hair took a long time to clean now because it was so long. Samuel hadn’t had it cut since he was fourteen, and even then it always hung on his shoulders. Now it ran down his back, almost brushing the cheeks of his arse when it was wet and straight. He used the small bottle of shampoo to clean it twice, then used the sweet smelling conditioner and laid back, relaxing and letting it sink into his hair.
    He should have it all cut off—it wasn’t nice having so much hair to look after when he couldn’t wash it or comb it how he wanted to every day. Maybe a change would be good. He’d looked like this for years, maybe if he actually shaved his head and dressed differently they would overlook him for a bit. It was just hair, it would grow back later.
    Samuel lifted up a section of it and sighed. It did make him look more girly than when it was shorter, and looking like a girl helped him sometimes because more people were willing to help him, but then others wanted to take advantage of him too.
    He wasn’t sure how long he’d been in the bath, but the smell of food made him think he’d been in there all morning. He got out after rinsing his body down and dried himself with the rough, white towels before dressing in the pale blue, cotton pajamas. He felt better. Less sore and so clean. He hadn’t been this clean in a long time. He brushed his teeth then ran the razor over the small patches of bristles on his otherwise smooth face. He never really needed to shave, he didn’t have many hair follicles on his face, just random patches which took no time at all to get rid of and wouldn’t show up again for a couple of days.
    His hair needed brushing and he popped his head out of the door and caught a nurse’s eye. She smiled and sent the
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