Man Of Steel

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Book: Man Of Steel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jordan Silver
    “Nope, fucker’s in the wind.”
    “That’s cool he won’t get close
anyhow.” The perp’s brother was rumored to be picking
up where his brother left off, since the law had decided it was easier to keep
the fuck safe behind bars than it was out here in the open. After we’d gotten
involved, life for Dwayne hadn’t exactly been going too good.
    “What about that other thing I told
you to do, where are we on that?”
    “It’s being taken care of as we speak; chill Blade
everything’s being handled.” There was a slight pause as he looked back at the
    “You think she’ll be able to
sleep tonight?”
    Sometimes I
forget how young some of my guys were. They tended to be such hard asses that
it was easy, and it wasn’t often that you got to see the soft side of any one
of them. But to a man, each and every one of these cases we’ve worked so far,
they’ve given a hundred and ten percent. I’ve seen more heart in these ex cons
and delinquents than in all the do gooder politicians
who’re always running around spouting air out their ass.
    “She’ll be fine Stryde ,
our girl is tough.” I could hear the soft timbre of the others as they
patrolled the perimeters of the house. Not that we expected anyone to actually
show up here. Dwayne was in the pen for his own protection and we had our guys
in the surrounding counties on the lookout for his brother Sid.

Chapter 8

    My phone rang and I grabbed it on
the second ring. “It’s me.”
    “Yeah Blade, just wanted to let you know I’ve partially
barbecued old Sid.”
    “You did what? Deke…”
    “Hey I was torching the woods
behind their house like you said, not my fault his ass was hiding out back there.
Besides I said partially, there’s still some of him left...hey shut the fuck up
I’m on the phone here.”
    I could hear what sounded like a
pig squealing in the background. “Is that him screaming in the background?” Fucker sounded like something out of Deliverance.
    “Deke get that boy to a hospital.”
    “The fuck would I wanna do that?”
    “Fine, fine, fucking cop.”
    I hung up the
phone on that pithy remark. Deke and I had come a long way since his days as a street
tough. We were cool like brothers as were the rest of us, but he never let me
forget that I was once a ‘stinking cop’ as he puts it, and what he thinks of my
past profession.
    “ Stryder are you fucking insane, you sent Deke to torch the woods?”
    “Yeah and? What did he do, did he torch the farm?”
    “No he torched Sid. That shit’s
not funny you know what the sheriff said. Next time he’s hauling all our asses in.” I wasn’t too worried about the empty threat
because there was no way it was gonna happen, but the
old man thought it was a good way to keep the boys in line. I didn’t have the
heart to tell him that it didn’t work; that these fuckers were a whole other breed from what he was accustomed to
dealing with .
    Not long after
that the nightlight in the room went off. That was our cue that Stephanie had
finally gone to sleep. Good, at least she’ll have one more night of rest. The
way things had been going we were starting to get worried about her health.
    When we took a
case we didn’t just show up and hang around like henchmen, no we went the extra
mile. That meant following her to and from the house, making sure she did all
the normal things a kid her age should be doing.
    Her mom had
reported that she’d been dropping back at school, lack of sleep and stress was
weighing on her young mind so much that she couldn’t keep up her grades. Where
before she’d been a better than average student, she was now barely keeping up.
Part of our job was to give her back the confidence she needed to get back to
where she was before all of this happened.
    Lily was a
part of the crew now, she was the only doctor I trusted to look after our
charges after I’d seen the way she handled herself with little Amy that
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