Making Waves

Making Waves Read Online Free PDF

Book: Making Waves Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lorna Seilstad
certainly had not been the case.
    Harry ran down the dock and hopped aboard with practiced ease. “Sorry I’m late. I got stopped by someone who wants to sail with us today.”
    Trip cast an I-told-you-so look at his father. “Who did you meet?”
    “A local businessman.” Harry immediately began coiling a rope. “Said he and his daughter want a ride.”
    “Did you tell him we don’t allow children?” Trip’s father scowled at the young man.
    “He said she was a young lady of age.” Harry draped the rope on a peg. “He said he’d pay double if we let her on.” He pulled out the cash and waved it in the air. “Paid in advance.”
    “Must be ugly as sin,” Lloyd piped up, slugging Mel.
    Harry shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I didn’t see her.”
    By the time they were ready to cast off, three men had appeared, but not the young woman or her father. Trip cast a quick glance at the crowd on the pier and spotted a flurry of commotion. A young woman darted out of the crowd, dressed in a pearly shirtwaist and matching skirt, and ran along the dock. She held her wide-brimmed white hat in place with her gloved left hand and hiked her skirt with her right. The satin ribbon tails on her hat trailed behind her as she rushed. Oblivious to the aghast looks from the ladies watching her, she pulled an older man along – presumably her father. She stopped at the back of the boat and waved.
    “Ahoy there!” she called.
    Captain Andrews shot Harry a stern look, but the curly-haired young man held up a shiny fifty-cent piece. With a grunt, the skipper turned to his son. “Oh, good grief. Trip, go get her before she falls flat on her face running on the dock like that.”
    Hopping over the lifeline, Trip met the two on the dock. He stared in disbelief. Could this be the same girl he’d rescued the other night? Then her drenched hair had seemed dark, and now it shone like spun gold in the sun.
    “You?” Her azure eyes grew wide.
    “Running on the dock again? No, wait, I remember, you step lively.”
    She smiled, revealing a dangerously impish grin. “I do just that. We came for our sailing excursion.”
    “We were expecting you.” Trip offered his hand to her father. “Hello, sir. I’m Trip Andrews, first mate of the Argo and son of her captain.”
    The man extended a beefy hand. “Edward Westing, and this is my daughter Marguerite, but it appears you have already met.”
    “Actually, we haven’t officially met. I pulled her out of the lake the other night.”
    “That was you? I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”
    “I’m just glad she’s all right. Ready to come aboard?”
    Marguerite nodded and stood on her toes as if the anticipation alone would make her explode. Trip chuckled. He led her to the transom at the back of the boat and hopped onto the Argo . “Give me your hand and I’ll help you get on. Take one big step up.”
    Though most unladylike, Marguerite didn’t hesitate for a second. She bounced on the deck, unable to contain her excitement. “Now what do I do? Trim a sail? Swab a deck?”
    Trip heard Harry and Lloyd laugh heartily, and a smile tugged at his lips. He managed to keep it from breaking free. “Have a seat over there with the others, Miss Westing, Mr. Westing. My father, Deuce Andrews, is captaining the ship. We’ll be under way in no time.”
    “Isn’t there anything we need to know?” Marguerite asked.
    “Oh, yeah, there’s one thing. When someone yells, ‘Duck!’ do it.”
    He dropped his head down to demonstrate. “You got it?”
    “That’s it?”
    “That’s it.”
    She flashed him a smile. “I think I can handle ducking.”
    “Make sure you do. I’d hate to haul you out of the lake twice.”

    Wishing she had some way to record every minute on the sailboat, Marguerite tried to memorize each man’s movements as they prepared to set sail. It took little time to learn each of the crew’s names. The curly-haired man, Harry, liked to tease
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