Making Chase

Making Chase Read Online Free PDF

Book: Making Chase Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauren Dane
tastes like, well, nothing.” She laughed, that sweet, musical laugh. “Tofu will soak up the flavor of whatever you cook it with. This has garlic, basil, eggplant and tofu in it 28

    Making Chase
    and I like to add mushrooms just because. The green curry is spicy and the coconut milk is sweet. All together it just works doesn’t it?”
    “Yeah. I’ll never wrinkle my nose at tofu again.” She curled her lip at his sandwich. “Is that pressed turkey ?” Her tone made it seem like he’d been eating dog poop.
    “Um, I don’t know?” He shrugged. “I get it at the market, in those baggies where the cheese is. Is it bad?”
    “Tell me something, Matt Chase, does your mother ever serve turkey that tastes like that?”
    He recoiled in horror. “Never!”
    She handed him the curry. “Good Lord, eat this. And go to the deli to get your turkey there next time. You know what a tomato is right?” Obediently he ate and nodded. “But it makes the sandwich soggy.”
    “Keep the slices in a separate baggie until you’re ready to eat the sandwich.” She peeled the bread and looked at him accusingly. “Is this processed cheese? The kind that comes in little individual plastic sleeves?”
    “Yeah. Hey, I like that stuff!”
    “No you don’t.”
    She sounded so sure of it, he started to doubt himself. Instead, he ate the food she’d given him. “What are you going to eat?” She pulled out another container and two small containers. “I have marinated tomatoes and mozzarella with crostini.”
    “Huh?” He leaned over and nearly drooled when she pulled the lid off the container and the scent of olive oill and basil hit him along with the sweet acid of the tomatoes. “No way.”
    Grinning, she popped a tiny ball of cheese into his mouth and he groaned. “You can’t have it all but I’ll share some of it. I usually give my leftovers to Beth. If she hunts you down later, don’t blame me.” She pulled several little toasts out of a paper sack. “This is crostini. Just little pieces of toasted bread with olive oill or even plain. You put things on it, olive spread, tomatoes, cheeses, that sort of thing. My brother William 29

    Lauren Dane
    works at The Honey Bear. He bakes the bread and tempts me with it even though fresh sourdough bread is the last thing I need every day.”
    “I go in there all the time. I can’t believe I haven’t recognized him.
    Does he look like you?”
    “He starts work at four in the morning and he’s off by two most days.
    You wouldn’t see him, he bakes in the basement. All of my brothers and sisters are redheads with green eyes except me and Nathan. Nate’s got brown hair. William looks like a younger version of Tim, my older brother.”
    He’d started to chide her about the bread thing until she spoke about her coloring. He remembered back to his momma’s comments about Tate’s mother’s behavior.
    Tate cocked her head and he actually saw her openness evaporate.
    “Yes, I’m aware of my mother’s reputation, it’s well-deserved but you won’t catch poor white trash by sharing a fork with me.”
    “Whoa!” The hurt in her words nearly made his eyes water. Putting the bowl down, he reached for her hand. “I would never think such a thing. Tate, I don’t think that about you.”
    “I saw your face change when I described my coloring to you.” She tried to remove her hand but he wouldn’t let go.
    “Yes. Yes, okay, I did think about what I’d heard about your mother.
    But that has nothing to do with you. I don’t even know your mother. For all I know, your dad has blond hair and blue eyes.”
    “Both my parents are redheads with green eyes, Matt. Don’t think everyone in the world didn’t notice me and Nathan and that we don’t look a damned thing like my father. Don’t think my father failed to notice and make us pay.”
    He stilled. “What do you mean?”
    She began to pack her things up. “I need to get
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