Make It Right
Finally she said that she couldn't leave because of Taylor's father. I wanted to kill Royal, and I told Fiona that. She told me I couldn't kill the man that she loved.” She rolled on her back and sighed. “Did you really not know until tonight?”
    “No. Royal says that I'm the first he's told.” And Danny believed that was the truth. Royal didn't give his word lightly, because he always kept it.
    “Why did he tell you now?”
    “He's bringing it to the table, setting it out to the club.”
    Amelia sat up and Danny made no attempt to stop her. “He's claiming her? What about Missy?” She frowned, and he knew what she was thinking. She'd never liked Missy. Missy had known that and tried her best to push Amelia's buttons at any given chance.
    “It'll stay in the club.” Danny could hope that would be the truth. If there was someone spilling Nightshade business, it could get out. If it got out and got to Missy, well that would be a huge problem.
    “I hope it does because Fiona loves it here. If Missy knows, it's going to be a big problem when she comes back.”
    “Royal will handle things. He's managed to this long.”
    “Do you think he loves her?” She turned to him, her hair falling over the side of her face. Danny reached out to brush it back and she smiled. “Fiona, I mean. Not Missy. I know he loves Missy.”
    “I do think that he loves her. He loves Taylor. I'm pretty sure that he's going to move heaven and earth to get them back.” Danny twirled her hair around his fingers. “You think you can go back to sleep?”
    “You just want to go back to sleep?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “That's a first.”
    Danny grinned as she lay back down next to him. “I am capable of some restraint, and selfishly I'd rather that you not fall asleep in the middle.”
    “That happened one time, and I was drunk as shit,” she huffed out the words as she got comfortable next to him. “I am tired, though. Do me a favor, though, don't tell Royal I knew. Tell him you told me.”
    “I think I can handle that,” Danny pulled her even closer and pressed his lips against her forehead. “We can go out and get breakfast in the morning, take the bike.”
    “I haven't ridden in years,” she admitted. “Not since you went inside.”
    “Really?” The information pleased Danny more than he expected. “We are definitely taking a ride first thing in the morning. Head over to the bar, to my place to grab my stuff. Maybe later we'll watch some movies. Ace always has a bunch of movies. As long as nothing club related comes up, we can be lazy all day. Maybe I'll even make you grilled cheese.”
    “Just like old times.”
    “Yeah,” Danny had thought of that himself. “Sounds good, doesn't it?”
    “It's not old times, Danny.” She sighed. “Things just can't go back to what they were, no matter how comfortable that would be or how comfortable this is.”
    “I told you, I fucked up. I know that I fucked up.”
    “I don't think that you do know, Danny. I don't think you know at all. You don't realize what it did to me inside to get those papers. Those fucking papers that erased everything that made sense in my life except for Fiona and Taylor. Those fucking papers.”
    “You signed those papers.”
    “What the fuck else was I supposed to do? You refused my visits. You returned my letters. What did you expect me to do? You wanted out. I gave you out. I gave up everything that was my life, everything, when I signed them, and I'm just supposed to forget that happened?”
    “It didn't seem to be bothering you much earlier.” Danny realized the error of his words the moment that he spoke them. Amelia was out of bed in a flash, cursing him as she gathered her things. “Where are you going, Amelia? Come on, that didn't come out right.”
    “I'm glad that Royal called, glad we stopped and not just because I don't want to catch something from someone fucking skanks on a regular basis.” She grabbed her bag and stormed
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