Mail Order Maternity (Brides of Beckham Book 6)

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Book: Mail Order Maternity (Brides of Beckham Book 6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kirsten Osbourne
help with the farm chores, or just wanting her to work in the house.
    Higgins came in with the tea and they both took a cup after Harriett poured.  “I’m really going to miss you!”
    “But in just a few weeks, you’ll be heading out yourself.”  Esther eyed her friend.  “Are you sure?”  She was more worried about Harriett doing well with her mail order placement than she was for herself.  There was just something about Harriett Long that made Esther want to try to protect her.
    Harriett shrugged.  “I’ve been writing him for two years.  If I’m not ready, I never will be.  I’m honestly surprised he waited this long for me.  He should have told me to send someone else a long time ago.”  She stared off into space for a moment as if lost in thought about her new husband.
    Esther smiled.  “He’s going to take one look at you and be thrilled that he waited.”
    “I really hope so.”
    “I can’t believe you’re so nervous after the number of brides you’ve sent off.” 
    Harriett laughed.  “I’m great at picking grooms for other women!”
    Esther wasn’t sure how to respond to that.  She set her tea cup on the table in front of her.  “I’m not sure I’ll come into town tomorrow morning.  I need to spend the time cleaning the house and getting my clothes packed for the trip.”
    “I’ll see you Wednesday morning, then.”  Harriett stood up and walked with her friend to the front door.  “I can’t even express how much I’ll miss you.  Usually I feel a sense of accomplishment as my brides board the train for wherever they’re going.  With you, I’m feeling a sense of loss.”  She hugged Esther tightly. 
    Esther hugged her friend back.  She’d never really had many female friends other than her sisters.  Harriett had been a godsend to her at a difficult time.  It was hard to let go.
    Wednesday came too fast.  Esther didn’t tell her mother and father-in-law where she was going, because she didn’t want them to know how to find her.  She explained what she was doing to her mother, but she was the only person she told.  Her mother’s reaction was pragmatic.  “I’ll miss you, but I think you’re doing what’s best.” 
    Until that moment, Esther had held out hope her parents would offer her a home, but she knew they didn’t have room. 
    As she made the walk to Beckham Wednesday morning, Esther couldn’t help but let her mind wander over the events of the past few months.  She and Charlie had been the schoolhouse sweethearts.  From the time she was twelve, she’d known she and Charlie would marry and spend the rest of their lives together.  It had never occurred to her that Charlie would die young and she’d be left alone.
    Meeting a new man and marrying him were strange ideas for her, but she’d do whatever she had to do to ensure the well-being of her baby.  Stopping in front of Harriett’s stately home, she stared at it for a minute, wondering how her life would have been different if she’d been born into a life of ease.  Somehow it seemed as if money would have solved all her problems, but deep down she knew it wasn’t true.  Money would just bring its own troubles.
    She knocked on the door and Harriett opened it herself.  She carried a small canvas sack, which she held up as she stepped over the threshold.  “I brought you sandwiches and a jar of lemonade for the trip.  Food is very dear on a train, and you don’t want to have to spend that much of the money Thomas sent.”
    Esther nodded, almost too nervous about her first train trip to even speak.  They walked through the streets with Harriett asking questions in her calm, sweet voice while Esther looked around the town as if she’d never seen it.  After today, she’d never come back to her home town.  Would she be homesick every day, or would she adapt to her new life quickly?
    “I need you to promise me something,” Harriett told her, breaking her out of
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