Maid for the Rock Star

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Book: Maid for the Rock Star Read Online Free PDF
Author: Demelza Carlton
She blinked in the late afternoon sunlight, feeling like she'd been inside a surreal film and the real world was definitely a relief. Sunset tinted the path as she followed the yellow brick road away from the rock star the newspapers called the Wizard of Aus.
    Once she'd rounded the corner and Villa Maxima vanished from sight, she broke into a sprint for the main building. She had to get to Dennis before the dickhead called security to get her fired. Or before she turned around and did something she'd really regret.


    Audra hurried to Dennis' office and was relieved to find him in.
    "Where's the trouble?" Dennis asked, already on his feet. The ex-minesite emergency response supervisor in him would never die.
    "In some prick of a VIP's pants. Or lack of." Rapidly, she summarised her exchange with Jay.
    "Let's hear it in all the gory detail." He nodded at his scanner. "ID."
    Uncertainly, Audra detached her wristband and dropped it on the scanner pad.
    Dennis peered at his computer screen and tapped his keyboard.
    "In here," Jay's seductive purr came from Dennis' speaker.
    Audra gritted her teeth as she listened to the recorded replay of her conversation in Maxima.
    Dennis eyebrows would have reached his hairline if it hadn't receded. "The sun will rise in the west, hmm?"
    The tension broke as they both laughed. "I might've borrowed that one from Game of Thrones ," she admitted. "Do you record all the conversations in the hotel?"
    He shook his head. "Only the ones where staff are in the room with guests. It's to protect both parties, and we usually don't listen to any of it unless a complaint is made. It's not common knowledge among staff or guests. Based on what happened today, you don't have anything to worry about, even if he does file a complaint." He sucked in a breath. "Did he touch you at all?"
    Audra shook her head.
    "Damn. If he does, it's assault, and I'll have grounds to make him leave the island. But if not...he's still allowed to stay here. Let me know if anything worse happens and I'll contact the police. Just don't touch him, or he'll have grounds for an assault charge."
    Slowly, Audra nodded. For the first time, she was glad she hadn't slapped him, however much she'd wanted to. Maybe he liked that sort of thing.
    "Just remember to swipe your ID every time you enter or exit one of the villas and you'll be fine. Your ID will record every conversation within earshot while you're inside. I'll handle this one from here. If you like, I'll give you the highlights of his complaint at dinner. It should make for a funny story."
    Dismissed, Audra relaxed as she left Dennis' office. Whatever else happened, at least her job was safe.
    Idly, she wondered if there was a way to circumvent the security system. If she did snap and tell the prick what she thought of him, she definitely didn't want it recorded for posterity. Dennis would laugh himself sick.
    Or if she surrendered to her own weakness and gave Jay what he asked One night with Jay wasn't worth losing her job, no matter how good he was in bed.
    Or on the sofa...
    Audra ruthlessly shut that thought down before it went any further. Just because her body lusted after him, didn't mean she had to give in. She didn't even like him.


    Audra raised her arms above her head in a stretch that resonated through her shoulders to her spine. "Right. Good to be in my own clothes again. Do you think they could make the uniforms any more uncomfortable?"
    Pamela smiled shyly. "It could be worse."
    Audra thought of the ties, tight-fitting tops and short skirts she'd had to wear in her various other jobs. "You're right. Let's get these down to the dock in time for the last boat and we can go for dinner." She counted the trolleys. "Isn't Penny supposed to be helping us? Where is she this time?"
    "She said something about a sexy new sous-chef."
    That meant Penny would be too busy flirting to do laundry duty like she was supposed to.
    Audra sighed.
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