Magical Mayhem

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Book: Magical Mayhem Read Online Free PDF
Author: Titania Woods
Teena’s. ‘Don’t worry, Tee – it’s all going to be fine!’
    The Great Branch was unusually subdued during lunch that day. All over the school, it seemed, spells were going wrong. At each table, the fairies whispered worriedly, swapping stories of magical mayhem.
    â€˜See, Pix, Jade was right,’ said Ivy at the Violet Branch table. ‘There is something strange going on – it’s happening to everybody now!’
    Pix’s cheeks reddened as she nodded. ‘Yes, it looks like she was. But – but I just don’t understand it! Magic always works, if you do it correctly . . .’ She trailed off, biting her lip.
    â€˜Not any more,’ said Sili softly. ‘We couldn’t get any of our spells to work in Fairy Dust class today. Miss Sparkle finally dismissed us, and went to see Miss Shimmery.’
    Twink’s stomach tightened. The same thing was happening all over the school – but the possibility of magic not working was unthinkable, like the sun refusing to rise! What could it mean?
    â€˜It all began with that storm,’ pointed out Sooze. She picked up her seed cake and then put it down again, pushing her oak-leaf plate away. ‘I still say there was something strange about it, coming up out of nowhere like that.’
    â€˜Well, I think the teachers should do something,’ burst out Mariella, her pointed face pinched with fear. ‘Why do our parents send us here, if something like this is allowed to happen? I’ve a good mind to write to my mother and –’
    â€˜Oh, hush, Mosquito Nose,’ snapped Sooze. ‘You don’t suppose the teachers are letting it happen on purpose, do you?’
    â€˜Twink,’ whispered Bimi from behind her wing, ‘do you think that strange patch of grass we found might have anything to do with it? We thought it was because of a hot spring, but . . . well, what if it’s not?’
    Twink frowned, remembering the warm circle of earth that Sal had seemed so excited by. ‘I don’t know,’ she muttered back. ‘Maybe we should –’
    â€˜Your attention, please!’ called Miss Shimmery.
    All talking ceased as the school turned towards the HeadFairy. Every face in the room looked tense, and eager for answers.
    Unlike the night of the storm, Miss Shimmery’s face was now grave. ‘I’m sure you’re all aware that there have been problems with magic occurring in the school,’ she said. ‘The teachers and I will be working our hardest to correct this, but meanwhile, all classes are dismissed until further notice.’
    An uneasy murmur swept through the school. Twink gulped.
    â€˜Students are not to attempt to use magic – any magic at all – until the problem is sorted,’ continued Miss Shimmery. ‘Hopefully we’ll locate the source of the problem quickly and things will return to normal, but if not, you will all need to be sent home.’
    There was a stunned silence. ‘ Sent home? ’ whispered Sili, looking close to tears. ‘But –’
    â€˜Meanwhile, I want you all to try not to worry – but do use your Glitterwings good sense,’ finished Miss Shimmery. ‘Stay close to the school, and don’t go anywhere on your own. Now then, if the teachers would please come with me –’
    Miss Shimmery flew towards the door in a flurry of rainbow wings, followed by the Glitterwings teachers. Only Mrs Hover the Matron remained, comforting some of the younger students.
    â€˜Twink, I think we should tell her about that patch of grass!’ hissed Bimi urgently. ‘It might mean something!’
    â€˜You’re right – come on!’ said Twink, leaping from her seat. The two friends flitted after Miss Shimmery, but before they could reach her, Mrs Hover called them back.
    â€˜Not now, girls,’ she urged, flapping heavily over to them. ‘Miss Shimmery is very busy
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