Magical Mayhem

Magical Mayhem Read Online Free PDF

Book: Magical Mayhem Read Online Free PDF
Author: Titania Woods
fell silent as the dance began again.
    Teena performed the steps woodenly. Several of their friends had had problems with spells over the last few days, but that had just been a coincidence! It couldn’t have had anything to do with her wish . . . could it?
    Teena swallowed hard as the fairies took to the air again. Oh, please, let there be sparkles this time , she thought fervently. Just one or two would do – something to show that the magic’s working!
    But there were none. The other Snowdrop girls looked at each other in bewilderment.
    â€˜Oh, you naughty fairies!’ burst out Madame from the ground. ‘Who is not paying attention? Land! I shall show you how to do the dance myself!’
    The fairies landed. Teena nibbled the side of her thumb as they watched Madame perform the dance. She lifted up into the air with a flourish, her red wings glinting.
    â€˜And now we shall have the sparkles!’ she announced, posing dramatically in place.
    Teena gazed hopefully upwards. Not a single sparkle appeared.
    Madame blinked. ‘And now . . . the sparkles!’ she repeated, striking her pose again.
    As if in answer, a lump of snow fell from a branch overhead, landing wetly on the grass in the centre of the circle. A gasp ran through the Snowdrop fairies as a stray snowflake drifted down beside it – and then another.

    â€˜Ooh, it’s cold!’ squealed a fairy called Reni, clutching at her arms. Teena gulped. She had never particularly liked Reni, but she couldn’t deny that the green-haired fairy was correct – the temperature in the magic circle was dropping by the second.
    â€˜But we’re supposed to be protected here,’ whispered Summer.
    Madame Brightfoot looked pale. ‘Class dismissed!’ she cried, clapping her hands. ‘Hurry, children, back to the school. I must speak to Miss Shimmery immediately!’
    She sped off towards Glitterwings, with most of Snowdrop Branch racing after her. Teena lagged behind, staring dumbly at the lump of snow on the ground. Her wings felt too leaden to move.
    Zuzu tried to smile. ‘Wow, Teena! When you make something exciting happen, you don’t mess around, do you?’
    â€˜Oh, don’t say that!’ pleaded Teena, spinning towards her. ‘You don’t think this is happening because of my wish, do you? It can’t be! My wish only brought on the storm, that’s all!’
    â€˜Well . . .’ Zuzu trailed off as she and Summer exchanged a glance.
    Teena’s blood chilled. ‘You do think it’s because of my wish,’ she whispered.
    Reluctantly, Summer lifted a wing. ‘Tee, what else could it be? Everything’s been weird since you made it.’
    â€˜Then I’ll make another wish, and change things back to the way they were!’ burst out Teena. ‘Come on, you two – help me find a dandelion!’ But snow covered the ground in a soft, thick blanket. Try as they might, the fairies couldn’t find any flowers at all.
    Zuzu put her arm around Teena. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure the teachers can put things right!’
    â€˜But I can’t tell them,’ protested Teena, wringing her hands. ‘I’d get into so much trouble – I can’t even imagine how much!’
    â€˜I bet you won’t even need to tell them,’ said Summer reassuringly. ‘They’ve got loads of magic, especially Miss Shimmery. Now that they know something’s up, they’ll sort it just by waving their wings!’ She did a pirouette on the snow, fluttering her purple wings.
    â€˜Really?’ said Teena. ‘Do you really think so?’
    â€˜Of course!’ said Summer. The three friends started back towards the school. ‘Just wait and see. When it comes to magic, there’s nothing the teachers can’t do.’
    â€˜Definitely,’ agreed Zuzu as they swooped through the double doors. She linked her arm through
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