Magic Kitten: A Circus Wish

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Book: Magic Kitten: A Circus Wish Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Bentley
Bring your mum and dad too. Do you think you’ll be able to come?’
    Sadie gave her a watery smile. This was just what she needed to cheer her up. ‘Try and stop me!’
    ‘I’ll take my shoulder bag. If I put it on my lap with the zip open you can watch the performance,’ Sadie said to Flame on Saturday evening.
    Flame nodded. ‘I would like that very much.’
    Sadie ran down to where her parents were waiting in the car on the drive.
    ‘Do you really need to take that huge bag?’ her dad asked.
    ‘Yes,’ Sadie said firmly. ‘It’s got stuff inside that I need.’ She hoped he wouldn’t ask what. ‘Come on, Dad. We’ll be late!’
    ‘All right! Hold your horses.’ Her dad smiled as he started the car and pulled out on to the road.
    Sadie could feel herself getting more and more excited as they went into the circus school building. She settled herself in her ringside seat next to her parents, with her bag on her knees. Jenny came in with her parents and, to Sadie’s surprise, sat in the empty seat next to her.
    Sadie wondered if Lena had something to do with it.

    ‘Hi,’ she said to Jenny, with a nervous smile. ‘This should be good.’
    Jenny nodded. ‘Yes,’ she said shortly.
    Sadie’s heart leapt with hope. At least Jenny wasn’t ignoring her.
    The circus ring was ablaze with colour and flashing lights. A burst of music rang out and the ring-mistress, in a top hat and tails and shiny boots, stepped through a star-covered curtain into the ring. ‘Ladies and gentlemen.Boys and girls! Welcome to Bullard’s Circus!’
    Jugglers on stilts and unicycles, tumblers and acrobats, a human pyramid and a dozen more acts all performed in a riot of sound and colour.
    Flame seemed to be enjoying it too. Sadie saw his wide emerald eyes peeking out from her bag as he took everything in.
    Next came the clowns. ‘We need the help of someone from the audience,’ shouted a clown with a white face, a red nose and fuzzy blue hair. ‘You? Yes, you! Would you come here, please?’ he asked, pointing to Jenny.
    Jenny went bright pink. She tried to shrink back into her seat, but willinghands pushed her forward. The clowns gathered around whispering instructions. Jenny was given a red wig and helped into a pair of baggy checked dungarees.
    Sadie watched in amazement as Jenny juggled six soft balls. She was really good.
    Then Jenny dropped a ball.
    Sadie’s heart missed a beat. But Jenny didn’t seem to care. She put a finger to her mouth and pulled a mournful face. The crowd howled with laughter.
    ‘They think it’s part of the act,’ Sadie whispered to Flame. ‘Jenny’s a natural, isn’t she?’
    Then came the act Sadie had been waiting for.
    The Flying Tomanis made daringleaps, turns and catches on the trapeze high up above a safety net. The women wore exotic make-up and tiaras that twinkled in the lights. Sadie hardly recognized Olga, Victor and Lena. They looked so glamorous and mysterious. Lena hung from a trapeze by the tips of her toes and Sadie gasped with delight and fear.
    When the show ended all the performers took a bow – including Jenny – and Sadie applauded until her palms ached.
    As her parents filed out after the performance, Sadie hung back. ‘That was amazing,’ she whispered to Flame. ‘Wasn’t it clever of Lena to arrange for the clowns to single Jenny out?’ She sighed. ‘I hope I’ll be good enough towork in the circus one day.’
    ‘You will be very good indeed, Sadie,’ Flame mewed confidently. ‘You must follow your dream.’
    Sadie stroked him gently. Flame wasn’t only special because he was magic; he was also the best kind of friend. The sort that made you feel stronger and better about yourself.
    Outside the circus, Sadie saw Jenny and her parents. On impulse, she ran up to her friend. ‘You were fantastic. And you didn’t seem at all nervous in the ring. Everyone loved it.’
    ‘Thanks.’ Jenny smiled hesitantly. ‘Um… I’d better go. Mum and Dad are waiting in
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