Lowlander Silverback (Gorilla Shifter Royalty 1)
was gathered around the middle, but she couldn’t see anything from here.
    The cheering and jeering was deafening, but she could make out the chanting from a group of spectators on the other side. “Kong, Kong, Kong.”
    With a gasp, she lurched forward and muscled her way through the mob. The closer to the ring she got, the harder it was to move anywhere.
    “Hey!” someone behind her yelled. “Bartender!”
    She jerked around to a familiar face. He was one of those frat boy types. Blond hair, blue eyes, cocky smile.
    “Snakebite?” she asked, recalling the potent lager and cider drinks he’d ordered while he was watching the Beck Brothers.
    “Yes! You remember.”
    She waved politely and turned to try to get closer to the ring. Only a couple of rows of too-tall men were blocking her from what sounded like a good fight if the cheering was anything to go by, but no good. She couldn’t get any closer.
    “Let me,” Snakebite said too close to her ear as he gripped her waist.
    She squeaked as he shoved her through a tight hole between two behemoths. He yelled something at the pair of cheering tatted-up bikers as she wiggled past, but she couldn’t make out what he said. As her focus pinpointed on Kong, the noise around her died away.
    Shirt off, he was bleeding freely from a gash under his eye down his bare chest. A tattoo ran from his shoulder to his elbow, but she couldn’t tell what it was from here. All black ink and tribal looking, it was just a blur of sexpot as he ducked a hit and swung hard enough to splinter his opponent’s ribs. Kong’s eyes glowed a brilliant green, and if she’d had any question before now about him being a shifter, the unsettling color that had replaced his soft brown eyes would’ve put those doubts to rest. His torso was thickly laden with muscle, his abs flexing with every graceful punch he threw and every breath he took. His waist tapered severely from the width of his shoulders, and she was stunned by how powerful he looked like this, slick with sweat, bloody, smiling, and egging on the titan he was boxing.
    Harrison! She nearly swallowed her tongue as she realized Kong was fighting the alpha of the Boarlanders. Holy shit!
    “Damn, Bartender, you’re looking hot tonight,” Snakebite yelled over the sound of the crowd.
    Fantastic. She plucked his hand off her waist and tried to sidle away from him, but there was nowhere to go. It was too tight here, and she was getting pressed against the wooden railing as the men behind her surged forward and raised their fists in the air, chanting Kong’s name.
    He ducked and connected, volleyed and took a hit to the jaw that would’ve knocked her out cold. It hurt just watching. And now she was worried he would get hurt, or worse. Didn’t people die from boxing? No, settle down. Jake said he does this regularly. He would be fine, and oh! Kong swung around and nearly ran into the wooden railing that was driving into her hip bones as the crowd pushed harder against her. A sickening noise sounded as Harrison went to town on Kong’s stomach, blasting his fists against his abs.
    “Come on,” she murmured under her breath. Kong could do this. Sure, Harrison was a dominant alpha grizzly shifter, but Kong was…well…Kong. She’d never seen anyone stronger.
    Kong jerked his gaze to her, and for an instant, their eyes locked. She could see herself reflected in the churning green there, just before he grunted in pain and took a hard hit to his face.
    She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. They were so close, so violent, so powerful, and she was pinned here, unable to escape if she wanted to. And Snakebite was slithering his arm around her waist again.
    Kong shoved Harrison and then thundered toward him, powerful legs flexing against his ripped, blood-splattered jeans.
    She couldn’t breathe. “Get off me,” she rasped out, shoving Snakebite’s hand off her ass.
    “Don’t be like that,” he said in her ear, right before he drew her
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