Love's Protector: A Maverick's Shield Novel

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Book: Love's Protector: A Maverick's Shield Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charisma Chloe
    “Information?” Officer Winslow asked with an inquisitive look in her eyes.
    Amour inhaled, and then slowly released it. “Yes. My father told me that my mother’s death was ruled natural causes because of a heart condition that no one knew she had, not even him. Then one day, she winds up dead and this illness pops up out of nowhere. I just find that awfully hard to swallow.”
    Officer Winslow studied her for a moment and said, “Let me go and get someone, I’ll be right back.” She disappeared to a room in the back.
    After what seemed like an eternity, she returned with and older gentleman with salt and pepper hair and a strong but handsome face. He didn’t wear the standard issued uniform the other cops wore; he had on a white dress shirt and brown slacks.
    “Hello! I’m Captain Westfield. What is it that you need?” He leaned one elbow against the desk.
    Looking at his face, she could see that he had to be at least fifty. She could tell by the small wrinkles that surrounded his blue eyes and mouth, which means he could’ve very well been here during the time of the case. “I’m looking for information on my mother’s death.” She slid the papers she’d brought towards him.
    He studied the paperwork. “Carly Graciette. Wow! I remember this case. I didn’t work it because I was only on the force for about three years then.” He looked into her eyes. “What made you inquire about this case after all these years?”
    She explained to him what her father had told her but he didn’t seem too impressed by what she had to say. In fact, he seemed very uninterested. “I understand that this is a long shot sir, but could you please at least look into this?” The look in his eyes told her that was not going to happen.
    “I’m sorry Mrs…”
    “Miss,” she said, correcting him.
    “Miss Graciette.  This case is closed; I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do for you.”
    “Can you please just at least take it into consideration?” she pleaded.
    “Like I said, it’s been closed. I can’t just open a case back up based solely on speculation from a grieving husband and curious daughter. I need hard evidence. Bring me that, you’ve got my attention. As of right now, you’ve got nothing to convince me to pursue this.” He handed her the papers back. “I’m very busy here. I’m sorry; I can’t be of anymore help to you. This happened almost thirty years ago, maybe you should think about letting your mother rest and making peace with her death. Honestly Miss Graciette, without any kind of proof, you’re just wasting your time.”
    “Have a good day Miss Graciette,” he interrupted.
    He turned to face her again. “Yes?”
    “So if I brought you evidence, would you consider re-opening the case then?”
    “As I said Miss Graciette, if you can provide that, I can help you but I seriously doubt you’ll find it after all these years, if there’s anything to find that is. If I were you, I would forget this whole thing and let her rest in peace. All you’re doing is torturing yourself.”
    But he wasn’t her, and there was no way he would understand her motivation behind this and she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting the evidence she needed at this point. She didn’t feel the need to dignify what he’d just said with a response. “Okay, thank you captain Westfield. You’ll be hearing from me soon.”
    She stood at the desk as she watched the captain disappear to the back. Although she was disappointed about the outcome of this trip to the police station, she couldn’t say that she was at all surprised. She knew this wouldn’t be easy and expecting help from the cops was a long shot.  This just scratched the surface of the fight she had on her hands, but she was prepared for it. If she couldn’t get help here, she would get help elsewhere. She owed it to her mother and her father to get the answers she needed and she was determined to do
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