Love Under Two Navy Seals

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Book: Love Under Two Navy Seals Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cara Covington
Tags: Romance
While she’d been fretting over her reactions to and feelings for Devon Wakefield and Drew James they’d been in harm’s way. They’d nearly been killed. That thought chilled her to the bone.
    “That…that must have been an awful experience for both of you, to lose three of your team members that way. I can’t even begin to imagine.”
    She watched the emotions chase over their faces, running so fast, one after the other she could barely keep up. And because she was watching so closely, she saw the shutters come down, and the gentle smiles come out.
    “It was hell, but it’s over now. We survived, and we’re here with you.” Dev’s response didn’t surprise or offend her. It was actually kind of reassuring to have these big macho men act a little like the men she’d grown up with.
    There wasn’t a one of them in her family who could easily be emotionally open with anyone except his wife—and that, quite often, only after a long, drawn-out battle.
    Not that she would let these two get away with that kind of malarkey for long. It was just kind of reassuring at the moment to realize they were very much like her fathers and uncles and cousins.
    “Yes, now you’re here with me, in Lusty, Texas.” Julia took a drink from her coffee. Both men were focusing on her as if she was the only thing in the entire world. That kind of attention was a little unnerving. She suspected that with the team of Dev and Drew, she would likely be subjected to this kind of singular scrutiny a great deal.
    She’d survived every form of torture that her brothers—all six of them—had been able to devise. More often than not, she’d emerged the victor. These two Navy SEALs would be no match for her.
    “We are indeed with you in Lusty, Texas. We like your town,” Drew said.
    “So do I. But it’s a strange place for two Navy SEALs to be bunking down, don’t you think?”
    Dev smiled. Julia had forgotten what a killer grin he had.
    “We’re not bunking down, Julia. We’re here for the duration,” Drew said.
    “I just meant there’s no Navy base close by.”
    Dev shrugged. “Navy SEAL teams are put together early on—as soon as you enter the program, in fact. We train together, we live together, and we serve together.” Devon’s grin faded. “We lost half of our team. Our fourth member, Kenny, also survived but is recovering at home. That leaves just the two of us. We were given the choice of training with a new team, or moving on to something else.”
    “And you chose the something else?”
    “We’re in our mid-thirties,” Drew said. “As much as we’ll miss the action, it was time to move on. So we took the opportunity to become instructors. We’re training a mixed group over at Goodfellow Air Force Base,” Drew said.
    “It must be different, going from living a life of high adventure to teaching,” Julia said.
    “The hours are good, and no one’s shooting at us,” Dev said.
    “But it’s not without its frustrations, as you have that long drive every day.”
    “We start early and leave early,” Dev said, “and only have classes Monday to Thursday. You’re here, Julia, so this is where we needed—and wanted—to be.”
    What the hell was she supposed to do with comments like that? She didn’t want to tell them how thoroughly they had gotten to her, or that she still felt as hot for them as when they’d first met. But she wondered if they didn’t somehow already know that, anyway.
    Her mother had once told her that when she’d met Julia’s fathers, she’d known, almost instantly, that they were the men for her. She’d confessed to her only daughter that the sudden knowledge had thrown her for a loop because she’d never had any intention of having even one husband, let alone two . She’d even tried to pretend they didn’t get to her. Julia recalled the way her mother had laughed, and shrugged, and told her that they’d known, anyway. That it had been as if they really were meant to be
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