Love So Unexpected (The Lawson Brothers Book 6)

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Book: Love So Unexpected (The Lawson Brothers Book 6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marquita Valentine
find the diner first.
    “Are you lost, sugar?”
    Sofia glanced up from her phone to find a model standing in front of her. She was tall, made even taller by her high-heeled shoes, with long blonde hair. Her face was absolute perfection ... but her eyes ... those eyes had seen things.
    “I’m looking for Yates’ Diner,” she said.
    The woman gave her a sunny smile. “What a coincidence, I am too. I’m Apple McCoy, by the way, and you are?”
    “Sofia Nogales.”
    Apple linked her arm through Sofia’s like they were already the best of friends. It was slightly odd, but fitting, given the hospitality she’d already experienced here. Sofia decided to just go with it.
    “You’re new in town.”
    “What gave it away—the lost look or the accent?” she asked with a lopsided grin.
    Apple glanced at her. “Definitely the lost look. Jessamine isn’t that big.”
    Sofia laughed. “I think it’s the perfect size—at least what I’ve seen of it.”
    “Sometimes it can be a bit confining on a body, but one does what one has to in order to persevere,” Apple replied, then muttered, “Why does that man insist on talking to me?”
    “Ms. McCoy, always a pleasure running into you.” The tall, good-looking man winked at Sofia. “Ms. Nogales. Your reputation already precedes you. I’m Preston Lawson. Welcome to Jessamine.”
    “How do you know Sofia?” Not bothering to wait for his answer, she turned to Sofia. “Word of warning—stay away from this one. He preens more than a peacock at sunrise.”
    “I only preen so a beauty like you will pick me out of all the others.”
    Apple rolled her eyes while Sofia bit back a smile. “Which one of Caleb’s brothers are you?” she asked, and she could have sworn Apple stiffened.
    “None of them.”
    “Praise Jesus for that,” Apple said loudly before pasting on the fakest smile Sofia had ever seen. “Bless your heart, of course.”
    “I’m one of their cousins.”
    “Will you be at the corn freezing next month?”
    Preston smiled, giving him a rakish look. She’d bet that every single Lawson had a smile like that, even Caleb. All she had to do was coax it out of him. That is, if she wanted to.
    You know you want to.
    I also want to eat chocolate every day, but I don’t.
    Caleb has way less calories than chocolate.
    “Already got the weekend off,” Preston replied, pulling her out of her head.
    Sofia’s eyes widened. “It’s an entire weekend ?”
    “No, but it’s around the same time every July, so I figured I’d give myself a day to recover from all the eating. Hard to rescue people when you’ve put on ten pounds in one day.”
    Apple tugged on her arm. “This has been perfectly lovely, but I promised to take Sofia to Yates’ Diner.”
    Preston pretended to touch an invisible hat on his head. “Ma’am.” Then he strode away, whistling.
    “He’s nice.”
    “How do you know Caleb?” Apple began to walk, and this time, Sofia almost had to run to keep up with her.
    “I don’t really,” Sofia admitted.
    “Then why are you driving his momma’s car?” Apple asked sharply. A little too sharply for Sofia’s liking.
    What a busybody! “Stole it.”
    That brought Apple up short. “Are you—” She shook her head, her lips curving into a smile. “I like you Sofia. I truly do, which is why I’m going to help you get settled in Jessamine.”
    Something about the woman’s offer felt off to Sofia, and since she was the type who always trusted her gut, she decided there was no reason to stop now. “That’s super nice of you, but I don’t plan on staying. I’m only here long enough to get back on my feet before moving on to Roswell.”
    Apple stared at her, brown eyes narrowing as if she didn’t believe a word Sofia was saying.
    “It’s near Atlanta.”
    “Right. Yes. I’ve heard of it.”
    “Great. So you see, there is no need to help me beyond finding Yates’ Diner.”
    “Such a shame. I was so looking forward to getting to know you,
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