“Would you look at me? I’m practically watering roses right now.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you so happy that Caleb and I are having dinner?” she asked.
“You’ll think I’m being one of those mommas if I admit it.”
“Actually, I already do think you’re one of those mommas.” Sofia lightly elbowed Dinah in the side, and the older woman grinned.
Tilting her head to one side, she twisted her lips a little. “I suppose I am, but honestly, Caleb’s story isn’t mine to tell. I don’t want to overstep my bounds, but suffice to say, I am truly glad he asked you out.”
“Wow. Now you’ve made him all mysterious. He’s practically irresistible to a woman like me.” He really was. She had to know everything about him, from his sad eyes to the reason why his mother burst into tears over him asking her out. For some, that might be a red flag, but to her, it was an invitation to deep conversations. One of the two things she loved most in this life. Second only to cooking meals that led to conversations.
“A woman like you is exactly what a man like Caleb needs in his life,” Dinah added.
Sofia began snapping beans again. “It’s only dinner.”
“That’s what I kept telling myself the first time my husband asked me out.”
Chapter Four
T he next day, no matter how busy she kept herself, Sofia could not get her mind off Caleb.
To be honest, she was dying to know more about the mystery behind him. Had someone broken his heart? Had he broken someone’s heart? Was he still in love with the girl who’d broken his heart?
“Too nosy for your own good,” she chided herself.
“Sofia, do you mind going into town and making a deposit at the bank?” Dinah asked.
“Of course not.” Sofia practically jumped down the last two steps and grabbed the envelope and keys from the woman. “Sorry. I’m a little anxious.”
“Which is why I’m sending you into Jessamine to run an errand. If you’d like to check out the job scene, be sure to stop by Yates’ Diner. They have a bulletin board near the entrance. Their desserts are divine, as well, and I’m not just saying that because my daughter-in-law runs the place.”
“She’s a cook, too?”
“Not exactly. More like the manager, but the two of you probably have a lot in common. Now when you get to the end of the road, take a right, and that will take you straight into town. Park in public parking, then you can take in the sights. I’ll call Bailey to let her know that you’ll be coming by the diner. She doesn’t charge family.”
“But I’m not family.”
Dinah shrugged. “To me you are. Everyday, you give me a glimpse of my very best friend from college. I missed her so much, Sofia. You don’t know how much it means to me that you’re here.”
On impulse, Sofia hugged Dinah. “I’ll be back in time to help you prepare supper.”
“You’ve already done enough today, and I won’t have you late for your dinner with Caleb.”
Sofia exhaled. “It’s just dinner.”
“And the Fourth of July is just any ol’ day.”
With a snort, Sofia headed to Dinah’s sedan, and, in no time at all, she found herself in Jessamine proper. Public parking was clearly marked, and there were several places for her to choose from, but she picked the one that was the farthest away from the other cars.
The day was perfectly sunny as she walked down Main Street. Suddenly, she realized that she didn’t know the name of the bank, so she pulled out the envelope to check for a deposit slip.
“Jessamine Savings and Loan,” she muttered to herself, quickly finding the large building on the corner. “Perfect.”
Once she’d taken care of that errand, she checked the time on her phone and sighed. Only five hours until her date with Caleb. Maybe she should head to Yates’ Diner after all so she could eat dessert and meet Dinah’s daughter-in-law.
But not to make friends. Oh no, Jessamine was only temporary.
Except, she’d have to