Love Me Forever

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Book: Love Me Forever Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donna Fletcher
Tags: Historical Romance, Highlanders
    “Hungry?” He had hoped her appetite would
improve, and while he knew she probably could not stomach much, it
was necessary to her healing that she eats more. She needed to
regain her strength, for she remained weak, unable to do for
herself and he knew that it upset her to be vulnerable.
    “Aye, I am. I think perhaps I could even
feed myself this time.”
    She seemed determined, but he thought of how
slight movements left her in pain. A few of her bruises had
worsened, and two new ones had slowly made themselves known. Her
recovery would take time and patience.
    “We will see.”
    Before he could stand, her hand slowly crept
from beneath the covers to touch his arm. “Really, I feel
    He held his hand to hers. “Squeeze one of my
    She looked ready and confident to prove her
point, and she grasped his one finger. Her eyes instantly clamped
tight from the stab of pain that shot through her, and she felt
herself grow faint. His name was but a mere whisper on her
trembling lips. “Royce.”
    He cursed beneath his breath for foolishly
offering her a choice. His hand closed gently around hers, and his
other hand softly stroked her face while he soothed her with tender
encouraging words.
    “The pain will pass. Relax and think only of
my touch.” His voice softened to a whisper. “Your skin is so smooth
and warm, and it blushes when I touch it.”
    Her eyes remained closed, but a faint smile
touched her lips. “I am not accustomed to such a gentle and caring
touch from a man. And you are a caring man, Royce… for a
    He did not wish to reveal himself to her,
but he did wish to keep her talking and thinking about anything but
her pain. “My scars betray me?”
    “Not only the scars.”
    “What, then, besides the scars?”
    “The sheer size of you, the thick, hard
muscles in your arms and chest, the confidence with which you carry
yourself and the pain within your eyes.”
    He was impressed with her observations. Not
many bothered to look and actually see the truth of a person. As a
warrior, he had learned the skill of observation at a young age and
used it to his advantage. He had, however, never met anyone who
could do the same until Brianna.
    “Battle must leave heavy scars on the soul.”
Her eyes opened slowly and she looked at him, waiting for a
    She challenged him in conversation and
thought, something he had never experienced with a woman, yet
something that titillated in its own way. “One needs a soul to have
it scarred.”
    Surprisingly, she laughed gently. “Everyone
has a soul, Royce.”
    “Not warriors.”
    “Especially warriors.”
    He shook his head.
    She would not let him deny her words. “Aye,
warriors have the strongest of souls. They protect the weaker souls
and do what must be done for the sake of freedom. Life can be cruel
without warriors; complete chaos would reign and no one would know
    “You speak with wisdom for one so
    “I am not young.” Her smile faded. “I am old
from my experiences.”
    “Like a warrior?”
    She nodded slowly. “Aye, a warrior who faced
a different type of battle.”
    She suddenly seemed uncomfortable and
attempted to move.
    His arms instantly locked her in place,
preventing her from making the slightest movement. “Do not. You
will only cause yourself pain. I will move you.”
    She looked about to object, but he would not
have it.
    He was firm and adamant. “I will move you
until you are well enough to move yourself, is that
    A flash of concern crossed her face.
    He was glad he saw no fear there, and he
hurried to ease her concerns. “I will not harm you. I do not wish
to see you in pain. In time you will be able to do for yourself,
but until then allow me the honor of seeing to your care.”
    She did not understand what it was about,
this man who made her trust him. She only knew instinctively that
she could, and that puzzled her. Why did he seem different to her?
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