Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)

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Book: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Renee Wynn
“I didn’t actually refuse. Brent and I had just
finished dancing and I was tired.”
    “Everything always come back to Brent with you, doesn’t it?”
    She fingered the napkin, thinking on how to answer. “He’s
been a major part of my life for a long time. It’s not easy to let go.”
    “Well, you’re going to have to,” he stated.
    Hearing the words only made the wound spread. “I know.” Her
hands gripped the edges of the table. “I just need time.”
    “You’re an adult, Nicole.”
    Her head jerked at the authoritative tone. What happened to their easy conversation?The harsh coolness in his voice commanded her attention. Somehow, it made her more aware of him.
    He could easily be classified as the strong silent type.
Maybe it was his height or the brilliance of his hard, cold blue eyes that made
people stand to attention.
    “Stop pushing me.”
    “I won’t coddle you, Nicole.”
    He sounded angry and disgusted.
    There were times when their debates had become heated, about social or political issues but never personal. However, tonight the topics were too intimate.
    Nicole picked up the wine glass. It was empty.
    “More wine?” he asked.
    “Just a little.”
    He poured the red liquid, barely covering the bottom but
filled his glass to half full. She started to comment but didn’t. “Thanks.”
    His response was a grunt. She wondered if he’d ever in life
given anyone a genuine smile or better yet, just laughed for the hell of it.
    “Would you like something else to eat?”
    “Then let’s go into the library.”
    “Aren’t you taking me home?”
    “Not yet. I have a proposition for you.”
    She paused, wondering what it could be. She might as well
get it over with.
    They entered a large room that housed wall-to-wall books on shelves that went from the floor to a high ceiling. Her breath caught at the beauty of the room. The library was decorated in soft brown and rust with splashes of pale yellow throughout the decor. Nicole immediately fell in love with the brightness of the room.
    “Wow. This is really a library.”
    Although, she had grown up in luxury it didn’t compare to the wealth of the Sinclair’s. Her parents, along with her aunt, had made their money in owing a chain of health food grocery stores. Ashton family’s wealth was old money rooted in Texas oil and cattle. Other businesses expanded into mergers, acquisitions, and a software business that brought in billions of dollars a year.
    “I love to read.”
    Surprised, she said, “Really? I didn’t know that.”
    “It seems we do have something in common.”
    “I guess we do. I love this room. It’s warm and inviting. 
Pastels are my favorite colors but I’m partial to yellow. I like the way it’s
accented throughout the room.” She walked to the bookshelves. “I love all types
of books.” She moved slowly from one shelf to the next, grabbed a book from one
of her favorite mystery writers, turned it over, and read the blurb. “I’ve
always been an avid reader, anything from ancient literature to contemporary.
It really makes no difference.” She put it back on the shelf.
    “I know.”
    A nervous laugh escaped. She was a little embarrassed about
what she was revealing about herself. He was never an easy person to talk you
but tonight he seemed different…relaxed and interested in what she had to say.
    “Ah…Once I get involved in a book, I have to finish it until I’m completely done.” She stroked the books and continued to move along the rows in awe that each of the six walls in the room housed only books and nothing else. It went into a circle around the entire room. “There were times I almost missed classes because I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to finish a novel.” She smiled at the memory.
    “You always had a book when you came to my parents’ house.”
    “I’m surprised you noticed me at all.”
    “I’m known to be observant.”
    “I don’t normally
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