Lost and Found

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Book: Lost and Found Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Glatt
nineteen-year-old girl. According to El Dorado Superior Court papers, Garrido sweet-talked his victim into his car before handcuffing and brutally raping her. Somehow she managed to escape and apparently never pressed charges.
    Three months later, Eddie Loebs visited Reno to buy a new guitar, and his old Rock Creek bandmate invited him to a party in a local hotel room. Loebs walked in to find Garrido had unscrewed the mirror from the back of the door and placed it on the dresser. On it were several carefully laid out three-foot lines of cocaine, leading to a huge rock.
    “He goes, ‘Help yourself,’ ” recalled Loebs. “I think the pile was as big as my hand. And it was really good stuff. It was really strong.”
    After snorting a huge line, Garrido produced a stack of pornographic magazines, spreading them out over the floor.
    “He was flipping through them with a sick-sounding giggle,” recalled Loebs. “He was saying, ‘OK, look at this, Eddie.’ And showing me these chicks saying, ‘Isn’t that amazing?’ ”
    Loebs was so “sickened” by Phillip Garrido’s behavior that he never saw him again.
    “He’s a sick guy,” said Loebs. “His sexual demons had taken over.”
    Phillip Garrido had started organizing blue movie stag shows and hard-core orgies in his new warehouse retreat. He had equipped it with a large mattress with gaudy red bedding, several heavy rugs and other furnishings. And there was also a movie projector, colored lights and handcuffs, as well as restraints and various sexual devices.
    One day, he invited William Emery over to see some “dirty films.” Emery agreed and as Garrido set up his movie projector, he explained how he bought his blue movies through a mail-order catalogue. Also there was a young man, whom Garrido introduced as a lighting director, explaining he was eager to see pornography for the first time.
    Then Garrido turned down the lights, projecting a hard-core lesbian movie on his warehouse wall.
    “He became very excited,” remembered Emery, “and started making verbal statements [about] their practices.”
    Garrido gave a running commentary on the action, becoming particularly excited when lesbians used “large synthetic dildos and vibrators” on each other.
    “It was of extreme nature,” Emery later told police, “manual, oral and anal action.”
    After the film, Garrido invited Emery to “one of their parties” in his warehouse. He promised that there would be many beautiful women, supplied by his wife Chris from Harrah’s Casino where she worked.
    “He said his wife fully accepted the idea,” Emery later told detectives, “and kept him in a constant supply of companions.”
    When Garrido began explaining how it all worked, Emery told him he did not want to know, as it was not “his trip.” Eventually Emery did agree to go to one of his warehouse sex parties, arriving to find three “attractive women,” as well as a “young negro boy.”
    An enthusiastic Garrido told his neighbor he was in a for a treat, and to be prepared for some “extreme” sex. Then the party started, with Garrido getting everyone high.
    “There was the usual paraphernalia,” explained Emery. “Strong pot, chemically treated pot, PCP crystals and wine with LSD in it.” The women began drinking the LSD-laced wine and everyone was smoking the “heavily saturated pot.”
    Then a beautiful woman arrived, and Garrido made a big fuss over her.
    “She’s a lady’s lady,” he announced, “for all of you who understand.”
    Not knowing quite how to respond to that statement, Emery remained silent. And then a few minutes later, with the party in full swing, he quietly slipped out.
    It would be some weeks before he saw his neighbor again, who appeared angry he had left early.
    “He seemed more distant then ever,” said Emery, “and was standoffish. I feel that this is because I failed to acknowledge his statement about the woman and . . . didn’t go to the extremes that
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