Lost and Found
their mugs.
    Darcy set hers down. “I’m still trying
to learn this family of yours. So your uncle owns the
    He smiled. “My uncle Zach owns the
company. His grandfather started it, and it was passed to his
father and then to him.”
    “ But now you run
    “ No. I run some of the
builds. It’ll go to his sons someday. I consider it that I’m just
helping to sustain it until then.”
    “ And Uncle Zach is married
    “ Aunt Regan. She was his
assistant. In fact, they met the morning she was supposed to start
her new job. She was soaking wet from a flash rain storm and had to
take the bus because my dad was fixing her car. Well, he had run
home that night, literally. He’s a big runner.
    “ So he was on the bus, too.
But when the bus jolted, she fell right into his lap.”
    “ That’s how they
    “ Yep. Then he brought her
here for dinner on one of her first nights that they were
    She felt an uneasy similarity
happening between them, and she wasn’t sure she liked that. She
quickly lifted her beer to her mouth and took a big
    “ How long have they been
    Eduardo calculated in his head.
“Twenty-three years, I think.”
    “ Guess it worked out for
them,” she said as she took another sip of her beer.
    “ Well, the marriage did. He
fired her.”
    Darcy choked on her drink and set the
mug down as she coughed. “He fired her?”
    “ She lost him a big
    “ Oh.” Panic took over her
body, and as she reached for her beer, she noticed her hand was
shaking. She pulled it back. “How did she do that?”
    “ She didn’t really. It was
a bad business deal, and she got caught in the middle. But, as a
family joke, we say that’s how it went down.”
    Darcy wasn’t sure she understood. “All
of these aunts and uncles are from your dad’s family?”
    “ Yep. My mom’s not as close
to her family. But the Kellers—they’re a tight bunch.”
    “ Sounds that
    The waitress came back with their
plates of ribs and bread.
    Darcy’s eyes widened when she saw the
amount of food before them.
    “ Is this normal? Did you
invite anyone else?”
    He laughed. “No, this is it. We’ll box
up the leftovers, and you can take them home for
    Darcy smiled as Eduardo handed her a
roll. She liked him. It was a far better feeling than the one she’d
had that morning. But then again, her luck seemed to be changing
the longer she was around him. Maybe it would be good to be his
assistant and get to know the rest of the Kellers. They might not
be her family, but until she found what she was looking for, she
sure could use a dose of friendship from one.

Chapter Four
    As Darcy finished getting ready for
the day, she heard a knock on the door.
    For not having any friends in
Tennessee, she sure received a lot of visitors.
    Christian stood there in a pair of
running shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. His hair was wet and so
was the front of his shirt. His iPhone was latched to his arm with
a Velcro band and ear buds dangled around his neck.
    “ You’ve already been
running?” Darcy asked as she looked him over.
    “ That was the first run of
the day.”
    “ First?”
    “ Gotta keep in
    She laughed. “Would you like to come
in? I was just getting ready for work.”
    “ No, no. I just wanted to
see if it was okay if I opened the door between here and the house
so John could bring over some furniture for you.”
    “ He really doesn’t
    “ You can’t tell him that.
He’ll do it anyway. He’s like that.”
    She smiled. “That would be fine. I’ll
unlock my side.”
    He nodded and turned to run back up
the stairs. “What time do you have to be to work?”
    “ Eight. I have to catch the
bus by seven.”
    “ Let me get a quick shower,
and I’ll drive you into town. Then you don’t have to leave so
    He gave her a smile and a nod and ran
back up the steps.
    Darcy shut the door and went to the
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