Losing Virginity

Losing Virginity Read Online Free PDF

Book: Losing Virginity Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ava Michaels
difficult. There
were a lot of jokers who groan constantly about how much time they had to spend
on just this class because Tunde’s assignments were so hard. They were also the
dorks whose semester schedule included such thought provoking classes as Global
Studies or Human Sexuality or, my personal favorite, Introduction to Film. What
the hell did they think college was about? It was about losing your virginity
in your spare time, in between classes. Duh!
announcing are assignment there was a collective groan, and then, instead of
hustling out like everyone always seemed to do, almost every male
"specimen" in the class seemed to congregate around Professor Tunde's
desk. The professor was the bomb now, apparently. I tried to keep my head down
and just hightail it through that door and back to the apartment, so I could
hopefully get at least half of one homework assignment done that night (though
I wasn't sure how to prioritize between Bio, Anth ,
and Brit Lit). But, I was hit with a horrible premonition. What if Jess and
Tiffany are at it again? I just might in fact scream. My dreams of a clean exit
however, were quickly shattered.
    "Hey, Ms. Kitridge ! Not so
was Professor Tunde's voice. Unmistakable. I turned
slowly, one foot already out the door. He was gently pushing his way through
the throng of students clamoring for his attention, all of them suddenly filled
with fascination about the Yanomamo tribe now that they knew their professor
had gone down there and lived among them.
Prof-," I stammered before he interrupted me.
know, you can call me Michael, right?"
was not a foot away from me and looking down with this gentle smile that
somehow sucked all of the speech functions straight out of my brain. I just
seemed like you were taking rather ... copious notes during the film," he
said, looking down at the notebook I was holding tightly under my arm.
"I'd love for you to share your particular insights with me
This guy is all ‘up in my grill’ because he thinks I was taking notes? Because
he thinks I was so enthralled with his eloquent lecture I could barely stop
myself from capturing every golden word in my spiral bound journal? The male
ego never ceased to amaze me. And their maturity level was always front and
center, too.   I was all-too conscious
that the guys over by Tunde's desk were snickering and not missing a word of
this conversation and shot them dirty looks as my cheeks flushed. Is this what
hot flashes were like? Either way, I was speechless, and red as a beet.
I could show you the rough cut of the film sometime, Olivia? That is, if you're
keen ..."
was it. I managed to gurgle out a few words about how I really needed to get
back to the apartment, was really "keen" on getting my homework done,
that someone was expecting me blah, blah, blah. How should I know what I said!
I wasn't sure why he would pick on me like this sometimes. I definitely didn't
look anything like Jess or even most of the other girls in this lecture hall.
Maybe it was because he knew I was genuinely interested in this topic and that
I always did my assignments? Had I mentioned to him my work with the
non-profit? Maybe that was it. Either way, I stepped back with Professor Tunde
staring at me and smiling benignly, looking so handsome and demure the whole
way. Then I ran off.
immediately started plotting ways of explaining why I would be missing from the
remaining sixteen classes of Cultural Anthropology 101.


I got home, Jess was nowhere to be found.
goodness, I sighed with relief.
was able to sit down beside my computer and drink Red Bull before I started
some research on some of my classes.
was a full semester. British Literature, Anthropology,
Biology and Russian. In eagerness to start college I was bitten by the
smart bug. That sometimes happens. The smart bug infects the host with
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