Lipstick and Leather: Three Sexy Cowboys, Three Sexy Tales

Lipstick and Leather: Three Sexy Cowboys, Three Sexy Tales Read Online Free PDF

Book: Lipstick and Leather: Three Sexy Cowboys, Three Sexy Tales Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cheyenne McCray
    “That’s great.” Anna smiled. “It will make it a little more fun to watch.”

    “Hi girls,” Theresa said as she came up to them.
    “Theresa!” Becky bounced up out of her seat and gave Theresa a big hug. “What took you so long?”
    “Traffic sucked.” She smiled at Anna who got up to hug her, too. “How are you doing, girl?”
    “Good.” Anna smiled back. “So glad to have you here.”
    “About that…” Theresa sat in her seat. “I’m only here for today. I have to get back to New Jersey for a big audit that’s just been sprung on the company.”
    “That’s a bummer.” Becky dropped back into her seat.
    Theresa looked at her ticket then sat on the other side of Becky. Theresa glanced at the rodeo grounds then back at Becky and Anna.” “So what’s the big deal over cowboys riding cows?”
    Becky snorted and started laughing and Anna couldn’t hold back giggles of her own.
    Theresa tilted her head, obviously perplexed, as she watched her friends laugh so hard that tears rolled down their cheeks.
    “What?” Theresa said.
    “Shhhh.” Becky put one finger to her lips as she tried to control her laughter. She lowered her voice, a giggle still riding her words. “Cowboys don’t ride cows.” Becky snorted again. “Cows give milk. They have calves. Bulls are the big studs that can weigh a whole ton and be meaner than hell.”
    “Oh.” Theresa glanced at some of the cowboys nearby and saw some of them watching her with amusement. “I thought cow encompassed everything.”
    “Not.” Becky sighed as she stopped laughing. Anna managed to get her giggles under control. “That’s like saying females represents males,” Becky said.
    “Okay, okay.” Theresa tried not to look at anyone around them. “I get it now.”
    “Man.” Becky wiped her eyes with the pads of her fingers, trying not to smudge her makeup. “You might be from the East, but come on, how could you not know?”
    “Apparently I skipped class that day.” Theresa gave a smile. “Now explain to me how this works.”
    “I’m no expert—I just dig bull riders,” Becky said, “But I’ll tell you what I do know.” She gestured below them where there was a lot of activity going on. “Those are the chutes.” She pointed toward yellow bars that made up the gates and chutes. “A cowboy will be on the back of a huge bull that will try to buck him off. The cowboys have to stay on for eight seconds, which is harder than you might believe. Wait ’til you see these things. It’s crazy.”
    “I’ve only seen it a little on the news,” Anna said. “But what I do know is that it’s really dangerous. A cowboy could get trampled and seriously injured.”
    “The bulls also have huge horns and they could hook the cowboys,” Becky said.
    “I can’t imagine dating someone who rides a bull, Becky.” Anna shook her head. “That would kill me, someone I love facing that kind of danger.”
    “You missed it,” Becky told Theresa. “I dated a bull rider last night.”
    “Is that what they call it these days, dating?” Anna laughed. “Who rode whom?” Theresa raised her brows and Becky grinned and held up the program. It was open to a page with Les’s picture and his name with a short bio. “Isn’t he hot?” Theresa looked on with approval on her features. “Definitely.”
    “Look.” Becky pointed below. “They’re going to start.” Anna looked down and saw a bunch of cowboys around a chute. An announcer’s voice carried high above the cheering and clapping of the crowd as he gave the name of a bull rider and the name of the bull he was riding.
    A bull burst out of the chute with a cowboy on its back. Anna held both hands over her mouth, her eyes wide as she saw up close the two thousand pound beast spinning in circles as it bucked and tried to get its rider off. She’d known it would be intense but she hadn’t realized just how intense.
    A horn blared and the cowboy jumped off or fell off the
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