Light My Fire

Light My Fire Read Online Free PDF

Book: Light My Fire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katie MacAlister
Tags: Dragons, Read, alltimefav
is not going to take a while. Drake and I had issues. I left to think things over. I’m still his mate, I’m still bound to the sept, and tomorrow, as a matter of fact, I’m going to an other dragon conference to stand by Drake while he does whatever he does at these gatherings.”
    “Yes. Some sort of dragon shindig. Possibly involving wyverns, although I hope the more idiotic ones don’t show.”
    Amelie sucked in her breath. “Idiotic? You speak so of the other wyverns? You dare much, Aisling. Do you know them well?”
    “Not horribly well.” I took another sip of wine, enjoying the fruity Riesling. “Fiat Blu I met here in Paris at the same time I met you. I met some of his men, as well. Did you know the blue dragons are psychics?”
    She nodded. “Oui, I remember. And yes, they are known for their ability to find secrets.”
    “Yeah, well, Fiat is lovely eye candy, what with that whole blond god thing going for him, but underneath that handsome exterior beats the heart of a rat. He’s trying to stir up trouble for Drake.”
    “Fiat paired up with Chuan Ren. Have you ever seen her?”
    Amelie poured more wine and shook her head. “No. I do not mix much with the upper echelons of the L’au- dela. I am happier in my own sphere of influence.”
    “Boy, do I envy you that. Well, the red dragon wyvern, Chuan Ren, is a ... um . .. trying to find a nice word for her. . .”
    “Bitch,” Jim said, licking Cecile’s ear.
    I made a wry little smile. “Basically, yes. She’s very powerful, very aggressive, and I don’t think she likes Drake very much. I know she doesn’t like me.”
    ‘The fourth wyvern, Gabriel Tauhou, is a sweetie. He’s a healer, like you.”
    Amelie smiled and nibbled on a cheese stick.
    “Aisling has a crush on him.” Jim’s voice floated to us above the low drone of the air conditioner.
    “Oh, I do not. I like Gabriel, nothing more. He helped me when Drake wouldn’t, and he doesn’t seem to want to stir up trouble, unlike the other two wyverns.”
    “That is very interesting,” Amelie said, looking thought ful. “And what of the fifth sept?”
    “The what?” I frowned, setting down my wineglass. When I started mishearing things, it was time to switch to something a little less potent. “Fifth sept? There are only four dragon septs—red, blue, silver, and green.”
    “Non, there is a fifth sept. I heard that a black dragon had been spotted in Germany. The local speculation is that he will claim the post of wyvern and bring the black dragons back.”
    “There’s a fifth sept?” I looked at Jim. “Jim, how many dragon septs are there?”
    “Now, or ever have been?” Jim answered. I ground my teeth a little. The dragons had a habit of answering a ques tion with a question, and Jim had picked up that habit.
    “Right now, how many dragon septs are there?”
    “Four,” Jim said, pausing a moment. “Five if you count the black dragons, but no one has seen any of them for a hundred and fifty years.”
    “Who’s the wyvern?” I asked. Neither Jim nor Amelie had an answer. “Well, then, why did they disappear? What happened to them? Why hasn’t anyone mentioned them before this?”
    Amelie shrugged. Jim sucked ear. I glared at it.
    “You never asked,” my demon finally answered.
    “I believed you would receive answers to your questions from your mate,” Amelie said. “I am not au courant with all that goes on in the dragon world. I can only tell you what the gossip of the moment says.”
    “Well, you can bet your bootstraps I’ll be asking Drake about that. If there’s another wyvern out there I have to make nice to, I’d like to know about it first.”
    Amelie smiled again and switched the subject. “I know this will be of interest to you, since you had something to do with it the last time you were here—the office of Venediger has not yet been filled, although there have been challenges for it.”
    “Oh, really?
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