Liam: Branded Brothers
you any pity. I’m just trying to be nice or
at least not be an asshole,” she said. It was depressing as hell to see a guy
torn apart two years after his wife left him. But she knew better than most
people that two years could feel like a blink of the eye. The first few months
after breaking up with Rex had been agonizing. Cancelling all the wedding
vendors was a bitch and even though she played the distraught
I-have-a-cheating-fiancé card, she lost all of her deposits. Rex, of course,
didn’t pay a dime because he was footing all his bills for medical school. That
should have been another tip he was a loser. The bitterness had yet to wear off,
and it had been two years. Two years too long , she thought.
    “Please don’t leave yet,” she added, feeling guilt wash over
her. He was Jack’s son after all, and they were in his house. The least she
could do was be hospitable. “I’ll get you some dry clothes and a beer. Plus,
maybe there are some things you may want to take with you.”
    “What kind of beer?” He cocked his head.
    “The only kind Jack would allow in this place. Guinness.”
    “Then maybe I’ll stay for one, as long as you promise not to
seduce me again,” he said, shaking out his hair with his hand.
    “Seduce you?” She huffed, shaking her head with a smile. She
let go of the chair and made her way down the hallway to Jack’s room. “You’re just
like your old man, you know that?”
    “How’s that? Smart as hell?” he called.
    She shook her head again in Jack’s room as she dug through a
box of his clothes. She grabbed a t-shirt and pair of jeans she’d never even
seen Jack wear. He’d stopped wearing pants long before she’d arrived. They’d be
small, but the other option was to give Liam one of Jack’s robes. She squeezed
the jeans tighter, taking a glance at Jack’s bed.
    “What the hell is going on, Jack?” she whispered, resting
her hand on his bed. She gave it a light push before she walked into the hallway
and shoved the clothes into Liam’s hands.
    “Bathroom is right there. They’ll be a little tight, but
they should be okay.” She pointed to the door behind him. “I’ll be out in a
    She took a step back into her room and shut the door,
exhaling deeply.
    “Aren’t you going to lock the door?” he asked on the other
side of the door.
    Her eyes widened, and she reached out instinctively to lock
the door with a click.
    “That’s what I thought,” he called before she heard the
bathroom door shut.
    She peeled off her clothes, struggling to take down the jean
shorts plastered to her skin. As she wiggled out, she scanned her closet
looking for something not too sexy, but not too tame. She looked over at the
set of button down, fleece pajamas on her dresser. She wore them every night
for a week straight after breaking up with Rex. Definitely not sexy. She turned
back to her closet and cursed herself for not keeping up with the body she
worked hard to get. Most of her clothes were comfortable ones that enabled her
to lift Jack or get spilled on by him. She heard the door of the bathroom open.
    “Shit.” She stood in her bra and underwear for a second
longer, thinking of the paper thin wall that stood between her and Liam. She
finally resorted to a cotton dress she hadn’t worn in over two years. She
pulled it over her head and assessed the outcome in the mirror.
    “Not bad,” she whispered as she pulled down the dress. Her
cleavage popped against the dress.
    “What are you doing in there?” he called.
    She yanked the dress back up to cover her breasts and opened
the door to see Liam standing in the doorway. He looked her up and down and
fought back a smile. The t-shirt hugged his body tight across his broad chest. “Nothing.”
    “Like the jeans?” He pointed down to the snug-fitting denim wrapped
around his thighs and the bottoms that came up above his ankles. “I’m ready for
a flood and that beer.”
    Liam sat on the ratty burgundy
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