Legon Awakening: Book One in the Legon Series
mother outside beating a rug. The
resemblance between mother and daughter was uncanny; their mother
looked just like Sasha but a bit older. As soon as they were close
enough to see her face they saw a worried expression cross it.
    “Sasha, you’ve had an episode,” she gasped. She
dropped the beater she was holding and rushed over to them.
    “Yes mother,” Legon said.
    “Get her in, get her in!” Her voice sounded panicked
as she reached over and swung Sasha’s arm over her shoulders and
began to pull them in the house. “I want to have a look at
    They got Sasha inside and to the kitchen table. At
that moment their father, an average -sized man with brown hair and
thick burlap clothes, walked down the stairs and into the room. He
saw what was happening instantly.
    “Is she ok, Laura?” he asked in a deep, concerned
    “Oh, Edis, I think so,” she replied. “Legon, what
    “It happened on the hill after we ate,” he explained,
giving the details of their morning picnic up until Sasha’s
    “Thank the Gods your brother was with you!” their
father exclaimed.
    Sasha nodded and sipped a hot cup of something that
her mother shoved in her hands. Sasha winced. “Mother, what on
earth…?” she started.
    “It’s herbs,” interrupted Laura. She was the town
healer, which had its benefits if you felt ill but also had its
downside, as she was always giving them new concoctions to cure
various ailments that none of them knew they had. This was
especially true in Sasha’s case, since their mother was unable to
figure out what caused her episodes. Sasha had been subjected to
cure after cure for years, none of which seemed to help, but a few
did cause her to get quite sick in other ways. Once, after drinking
one of their mother’s brews she couldn’t eat for two days without
throwing it back up. Their mother said that this was her body’s way
of cleansing her from her illness. These remedies, of course,
didn’t make a difference. Sasha still had episodes, and their
mother kept coming up with new ways of fixing them. Legon didn’t
know what the remedy was today, but he could smell it and it was
    “Will you be ok, Sash?” he asked giving the drink a
    “Yes, I think so” she said, but her voice wasn’t
confident. She gave the glass a glance and shivered a bit.
    “Ok, I’m going to go change my clothes and help dad,
I’ll see you before lunch okay?”
    “Ok, don’t worry about me. I’m fine now.” She gave
the glass another look and placed in on the table.
    Legon smiled at her, leaned over, and kissed her on
her head. He walked to the stairs and started for his room. On his
way up his father stopped him and placed his hand on his arm to
bring him in close. He said in a soft voice, so Laura and Sasha
couldn’t hear, “I want you to stay close today incase Sasha has
another one. You’re the best with her.”
    “I was planning on getting a new cleaver from Kovos
today, but I think you’re right. I can get it tomorrow and Sash can
come with me. It will be good for her to get out and about,” he
said, looking at his sister.
    “I think she’ll like that. Now go get ready, I want
to hit it hard today so we’re not working late.” His voice was
business-like as he patted Legon’s shoulder.
    Legon chuckled. “I hit it hard every day old man,
you’re the slow one.”
    His father laughed, shook his head, and walked over
to the table.

Chapter Two
    A Hard Day’s Work
    “ To many, the Everser Vald was at one time
no more than a commoner, struggling with the everyday woes of the
world. Only the trained eye could see the servant and master,
laboring by day and by night for those that mattered most.”
    -Excerpts from The Diary of the Adopted
    Legon hustled up the stairs to his room and began to
undress. He went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of rough
brown pants made of thick cloth and an off-white shirt made of the
same material. His
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