Legally Wed: A Lawyers in Love Novella

Legally Wed: A Lawyers in Love Novella Read Online Free PDF

Book: Legally Wed: A Lawyers in Love Novella Read Online Free PDF
Author: N.M. Silber
you’re getting married in an e-mail?”
    “We don’t like each other,” I reminded her.
    “It doesn’t matter. I’m your mother. I was in labor for twenty-three hours with you.”
    “Yeah, but you refused to leave the courtroom for twenty-two of them. You said you wouldn’t push until the jury came in.”
    “That didn’t make it less painful. And this is the thanks I get. I give you life and pay for a great education and I find out you’re getting married in an e-mail.”
    “Nice to see you too.”
    “You didn’t even send it!”
    “Yeah, who told you?”
    “I did dear,” Mrs. Roth smiled benevolently. “Two young Jewish people are getting married. It’s important that the mothers be involved. It’s cultural.”
    “I’m just here so my Mom can remind me that my younger brother is getting married and I’m not even dating anyone seriously,” Abby offered.
    Finally, Adam, who had been silent up until that point, spoke up. “There’s too much estrogen in this room for me. I’m going to lay down.”
    “You do look tired, honey,” Mrs. Roth said, sounding concerned. “Are pre-wedding jitters keeping you awake?” She looked confused when he just cracked up laughing and headed for the bedroom.
    “You flew up here last night?” I asked, turning to my mother. “Where are you staying?”
    “I’ll stay at your place.”
    “I’m moving! Here! Tonight!” Screw the drawer. You want to talk about anxiety, try living with my mother. Adam might die of exhaustion from all the sex I would need to deal with that.
    “Fine, more room for me. I’ll take over the rent if necessary.”
    “Where’s Dad? Is he coming too?”
    “He’s still in Florida. By the way, we’re getting a divorce. So, let’s talk caterers.” She sat down calmly.
    “Oh Judith, I’m so sorry,” Deb Roth said, coming to sit next to my mother and obviously prepared to offer comfort. She must not know my mother very well.
    “About what? The divorce? Oh it’s no big deal. When Ira and I were both full-time litigators we got along. Retired, we don’t get along. Who’s doing the ceremony, Rabbi Stein?”
    “We haven’t discussed it,” I said numbly.
    “Well, of course it will be Rabbi Stein,” Mrs. Roth replied.
    “Mom, don’t you think Adam and Lily …” Abby spoke up.
    “He’s known them since they were babies, honey! Nomi Stein would be crushed if her husband didn’t marry them.” I started to sweat.
    “What month are we talking?” my mother went on. She was on a roll.
    “How about June?” Deb suggested.
    “June works for me,” the Ice Queen agreed.
    “Shouldn’t you ask Adam and Lily what works for them?” Abby tried again.
    “Abby darling, we don’t want to put this off, but don’t forget, no weddings between Passover and Shavuot,” her mother answered. I started to itch. It might have been hives.
    “They’ll have to meet with him to go over all the pre-marriage details,” Judith went on.
    “What details?” I asked. All I knew about the process was what I had learned years ago in Hebrew school, and I didn’t remember most of it.
    “The expectations and obligations of marriage,” Deb informed me.
    “It will all be in the marriage contract too, but at a minimum, Adam’s supposed to feed you, clothe you and take care of your sexual needs,” Abby reminded me.
    “Sounds like a good deal,” I muttered.
    “We’ll make sure you get a beautiful ketubah,” Mrs. Roth beamed, referring to the actual contract we would sign at the wedding. There were so many designs. It would be displayed in our home for the rest of our lives. I had to find the perfect one! No pressure! I felt like I might need a paper bag to breathe into.
    This conversation between my mother and Adam’s mother continued for what felt like years, as they worked out the details of our wedding. I hoped they remembered to invite us. Finally, Abby gestured for me to join her and the two of us ducked into the kitchen together.
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