Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll

Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mia Dymond
Tags: Humor, Romance, Contemporary, music, Military, navy seal
thunk pierced her left eardrum.
O..kay… Apparently there were several things he didn’t know. She
squinted one eye and held the phone at arm’s length until he
    “Ms. Newberry, we would really appreciate an
    Another wave of nausea crested in her
esophagus. She swallowed hard, desperate to get him off the phone.
“If you’re certain.”
    “I am.”
    “Fine. I’ll meet him after hours.” Rachel
scribbled Greg’s name on her calendar. “Six o’clock this
    “We’ll take it. Hawke and his security
manager will be there.”
    Rachel returned the receiver to the cradle
and threw her head back against her chair, only to regret the rapid
movement. She squeezed her eyes closed and begged her stomach to
behave. Why on Earth had she been so agreeable to meet Hawke? And
now what? By now the bouncer had filled him in on all the
excitement. Rachel groaned. How was she supposed to know Hawke
planned to hire her? She pressed her palms to her forehead and took
a deep breath.
    Wait a minute.
    Cameron was probably right, the beefy
bodyguard was much more than muscle. Now she was certain they’d
checked her out. And the manager, what’s-his-name- she leaned
forward and checked her calendar – Greg Huntington. He mentioned a
referral from another client. So, had Hawke planned to hire her
before the concert?
    She reached for the aspirin near the
computer. Whatever his reasoning, she was stuck now. Besides, even
if she did call and cancel, Cameron would reschedule. In fact,
Cameron would welcome the opportunity to flex her muscle at both
Hawke and his bodyguard. Rachel released a heavy sigh. Hawke just
didn’t realize how lucky he was that he’d caught her at a weak
    Lt. Jaydon Hawke twirled the business card
through his fingers as Cpt. Max Sterling drove him to meet the
mysterious Rachel Newberry. After the unexpected events of the last
twenty four hours, he wasn’t sure quite what to expect. The sexy
woman he had encountered last night was a total surprise. Where was
the meek and plain architect that had been secretly followed and
photographed? He hadn’t been as prepared as he’d thought.
    Part of him wanted to believe she arranged
the after-hours meeting for personal reasons. After all, they
hadn’t had an opportunity to talk much at the show. Or at Harley’s.
But then, Greg mentioned her hesitance at meeting at all. Almost as
if she had no intention of ever seeing him again. Hawke scrubbed a
hand over his jaw, aggravated by the question marks assaulting his
    “Take it easy, Hawke. Stick to the plan.
You’re just supposed to seduce her, like always.”
    Max’s booming command caused Hawke to shove
his thoughts of Rachel to the side and at least attempt to appear
smooth. “What makes you think I’m planning anything more?” Hawke
    “She’s a suspect and I have to do whatever it
takes to get close to her.”
    “Something else is going on in that thick
skull of yours.”
    “Just strategy.”
    “If you say so.”
    “She’s not what I expected.”
    “They never are.”
    “No, really. According to her profile, she
hardly ever leaves the office, she has one close friend, and she
rarely socializes.”
    “So why the hell was she at the concert?”
    “We lured her there, remember?”
    Hawke weighed that fact. True, they had
approached her client with concert tickets, hoping he would pass
them to her. “We provided the bait, but why did she accept?”
    “I think the blonde hellcat had something to
do with that.”
    Hawke snickered. “That is highly
    “You know as well as I do criminals don’t
    “She doesn’t fit the prototype.”
    “You’ve spent too many hours behind a
computer, Hawke. I think there’s more to it.”
    Hawke folded his arms across his chest. “Oh
yeah? Then, please, fill me in.”
    “Seems to me you’re caught up in your cover.
She’s a young, beautiful piece of tail who
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