least three wives. There is also patriarchal doctrine which requires the wives to be subordinate to their men.
The placement part is handled by our prophet, Verdell Quinn. When a young woman becomes marriageable, which is when she is physically ready to bear children, the prophet will assign her to a husband. He receives the orders by revelation from God. He also has the ability to give and take wives to and from men according to their worthiness.
Because plural marriage is not recognized by the federal or state governments, we can remain financially viable without working off of the compound. The multitudes of wives are able to file for aid from the government as single mothers. Financial aid, grants, and food stamps are all readily supplied to our women and given to the church. Housing endowments and even free vehicles have been awarded to our single mothers.
So why do we do it? Celestial marriage. We know as truth that we will live through the eternities; that our life on this Earth is but the beginning of our journey. Celestial marriage will seal our wives, and all subsequent children, to us so we may be together in the eternal life to follow.
During the actual ceremony we make covenants to God and each other, promising to be obedient to all the Lord’s commandments and expressing our willingness to sacrifice and consecrate all that we have for the Lord.
Plural marriage is the only form of Celestial marriage. Modern Mormons claim their one-partner marriage as celestial, but they would be incorrect. They can look no further than their own scripture, Doctrine and Covenants Section 132, which specifies plural marriages only. Plural marriage is ordained by God, and is part of His plan.
Knowing that one will be sealed to their family for eternity is what brings forth the desire to expand that family as much as possible. Child rearing efforts begin immediately. A man may be sealed to more than one woman. A woman may not be sealed to more than one man. The covenant requires continued righteousness of the couple in order to maintain the sealing for the afterlife.
Because our true beliefs have outcast us from mainstream mindsets, we have been forced to live in seclusion from the rest of the world. But instead of looking at it as being cut-off from the world, we like to know we have cut the world off from us. Away from the moral decay of our times. Away from temptation, greed, addiction, filth. Away from a world that does not understand true Christianity.
We are the embodiment of Christian life. Those claiming Christianity the strongest in the outside world are usually those furthest from it. We are the restoration of Christian value. We have removed ourselves from the spiritual dissolution of others, and we will live for all eternity.
That’s really all I know about that.
chapter three
I headed out of the medical station and stood on the rotted wood planks of the makeshift porch. I could see the prophet calling Benjamin into his office across the way. Leaving the compound without permission is not allowed. Most folks have never been off the compound. It’s the only way to make sure there is no opportunity to be corrupted by the wicked ways of the outside world.
There are a few exceptions, and I was one of them. Around my twelfth birthday the prophet received a vision that my calling would be to replace our original compound doctor, who was growing weak and dangerously aloof in his old age. I was allowed to get my schooling off of the compound. It was worth it to the prophet to risk sending me out into the world if it kept the rest of our community from having to seek medical attention from outsiders.
As a doctor I was tasked with a pretty broad range of duties. Not only did I have to tend to physical ailments, but I was also tasked with handling mental issues, which I was not qualified to do. These mental issues were more frequent than I would have imagined, and were uniquely found in our women only.
I was ordered