Last Summer

Last Summer Read Online Free PDF

Book: Last Summer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Holly Chamberlin
especially the marshmallows made to look like blood-streaked eyeballs. Now, if a REAL ghost had shown up, that would have been awesome. I totally believe in a spirit world and would love to encounter a real ghost someday. When I can, which is not often because of homework and piano lessons and practice, I watch some of those TV shows about people’s real-life experiences with spirits. Mom and Dad think the shows are all lies, but they don’t forbid me to watch them. I think my favorite is PARANORMAL STATE and then maybe PSYCHIC KIDS. A lot of the kids on that show are made fun of by other kids in their school. If I knew a real psychic kid I wouldn’t make fun of him at all. I’d have a lot of respect for him.
    Anyway, I think the person with the best costume at the party was a boy who came as Captain Jack Sparrow. Meg thought the best costume was someone who came as one of the characters from the Transformers movies. She said it was totally accurate. I’ve never seen any of those movies—I don’t get what’s so interesting about machines and guns—so the costume didn’t really impress me.
    Dad picked us up at ten o’clock, which is the latest I’ve ever been out, and Meg spent the night at my house. There were some old, classic black-and-white movies on TV and we watched DRACULA with this Eastern European actor named Bela Lugosi. (Dad told me about the Eastern European part. I think he said Bela Lugosi was from Hungary, but I might be wrong.) I loved it—it was very atmospheric—but Meg thought it was silly and boring. She doesn’t like old stuff like I do. Now I have to find a copy of the book in the library. Dad told me it’s really scary. Also, I have to get a copy of FRANKENSTEIN, which I just found out was written by a woman (cool—and she was really young, too) and which supposedly isn’t like the old black-and-white movie at all. I feel so bad for the monster in the movie. No one understands him and he’s so alone. Dad says I’ll feel even worse for him once I read the book because in some ways, the important ones, he isn’t a monster at all. It’s Dr. Frankenstein who’s the monster.
    Oh, and you should have seen Meg’s little brother, Petey! He went to school dressed as Snoopy from PEANUTS. He’s such a cute little boy. Sometimes I feel as if he’s my own brother. I wonder what he’ll be like when he grows up. I wonder if he’ll still be nice or if he’ll turn into one of those boys who pretend to be so tough and who make fun of everything like nothing matters. It’s like the only two things those boys can say are “Big deal” and “Who cares?” No. I think Petey will always be nice, even though his father isn’t very nice. I probably shouldn’t say that about a grown-up. I’ve always been taught to respect parents, even other people’s parents, and other adults, especially teachers and police and all those other authority figures. But it’s hard not to say or even think bad things about Mr. Giroux when his own ex-wife and his own daughter say them.
    I just remembered something. Wow. I’d totally forgotten this, but when Meg and I were maybe in second or third grade Mr. Giroux took us on a hike in the woods. I can’t remember exactly where but I do remember we brought lunch with us, peanut butter sandwiches and apple slices, and we ate sitting on a log by the bank of a pond. When we got back to Meg’s house, Mr. Giroux surprised us by making s’mores. It was the first time I’d ever had a s’more. I didn’t really like them—I hate marshmallows—but it was nice of him to do all that for us, so I ate two of them. It always pays to be polite. That’s what Mom always says. Anyway, I wonder if Meg remembers that day. Maybe I should ask her. Or maybe it would only upset her and make her miss her dad more. She says she doesn’t really miss him but I don’t believe her. It’s the way she says it, like she’s trying to convince herself.
    Okay, I should go now. I’ve got
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