Lady Myddelton's Lover
against him. The hot bulge of his erection against her equally hot core was shocking, the contrasting coolness of his fingers between them, slipping into the slit of her drawers to touch her flesh, even more so.
    Suddenly impatient with the barrier of clothing, she peeled his coat down his shoulders, groaning against his mouth in frustration when something obstructed her frantic tugging. Richard ended the kiss with a harsh gasp, his blue eyes dazed with lust as he leaned back, tore his coat from his arms, and began to untie his Ascot. She could not stop herself from helping, feeling greedy to touch the skin she had only glimpsed that morning, and quickly unfastening the buttons of his shirt. He tossed aside the tie and began to loosen the tapes running down the front of her tea gown, pushing it down to pool about her hips and tearing her ribbon corset from her waist.
    “You wear too many clothes,” He growled, bunching her chemise in his fist.
    “So do you,” She countered, plucking at the buttons of his union suit and sliding a hand between the flaps to touch his chest. She curled her fingers into the thick whorl of chest hair and tugged playfully.
    “Ouch,” He said, batting her hand away and rising to his feet. “Take off the rest of your clothing.”
    Aline touched her chemise and looked up at the rapidly undressing Richard, suddenly realizing just where they were and what time of day it was.
    “Don’t you dare back down from this, Aline,” Richard was suddenly beside her, completely naked, his skin a deep, glorious tan.
    “It’s daytime!” She stopped his hands from stripping her body of her chemise.
    “The best time to make love, in my opinion,” He said impatiently, tugging at her last piece of modesty. “I can see you better.”
    “And a woman is supposed to leave this on,” She scooted away from him.
    His half grin faded. “Have you never made love in the day, the sun coursing across your body, skin to skin?”
    “Hugh would have never asked me to do something so improper,”
    She grew uneasy beneath the inscrutable, searching look her gave her. He wrapped his arm around a bent knee, and she hastily averted her eyes from his body, though not before the image of his sinewy thigh and the curve of his erection imprinted itself on her mind.
    “I mean to have you, Aline,” He said curtly.
    She laughed nervously at his frankness, darting a glance at his face to see if he were serious. The narrowing of his eyes and the tightness of his lips corroborated with his tone, but she reacted too slowly to his sudden lunge, fingers curling around her ankle as he pulled her towards him. Her chemise rode up against her back and her teagown bunched at her waist, but resistance to him was futile, for he quickly divested her of the so-called offending items, untied her drawers and tossed them all aside before pressing his body against hers.
    A flash of mingled shame and outrage crossed her mind when he pushed away from her with one arm and studied her body as intently and invasively as artist. The feeling thawed reluctantly, and she tried to hold onto it, a lifetime of strictures and etiquette echoing faintly in her ears. She watched him touch her, his fingers lingering in the dip in her upturned elbow, against the curve of her waist, the slope of her hips, and tickling across her freckled ribs. She squirmed under this last touch, and he stared, completely fascinated by the soft jiggle of her breasts.
    “You are everything I imagined,” He looked at her, his expression quite serious.
    “We’ve only just met,” She lowered her eyes bashfully, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.
    His mouth twisted wryly. “I have your letters.”

Chapter 5
    This time Richard lowered his eyes from her bright, curious gaze. His embarrassment was absurd, considering that they lay much entwined and very naked in her boudoir, with the servants quietly going about their duties in the house around them. He stared instead at
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