Lady Justice and the Candidate

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Book: Lady Justice and the Candidate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robert Thornhill
do, and if we weren’t totally committed to the message that this man has for the American people, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
        “I’m sure that you have questions. Ask anything --- anything at all. We have nothing to hide and we’re more than willing to share any information that will help you come to a decision.”
        I looked Foster squarely in the eye. “Ben, I mean no disrespect, but given the woeful track record of third party candidates, do you really believe that you have a chance to win this thing?”
        “Fair question,” he said, smiling. “If I told you that I thought that I could win this election, you would think me either a fool or a liar.
        “So your next question should be, ‘If you don’t think you can win, then why are you risking your life and asking me to risk mine?’ That, too, is a fair question.
        “I will tell you, honestly, why I’m doing what I’m doing.
        “I have lived in this great country for seventy years and I have always been proud to be an American, but I have seen many changes during those years and not all of them have been good.
        “I believe that slowly but surely, we have strayed from the path that once made our country the envy of every other nation.
        “I believe that the basic freedoms on which our republic was founded are being eroded away.
        “I no longer trust that our government is acting in the best interests of its citizens, and worst of all, I don’t believe that the other candidates running for office are committed to anything but maintaining the status quo.
        “Will Durant said, ‘A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.’
        “I think that is happening before our very eyes and unless someone sounds the alarm, our country will continue down this destructive path.
        “Can we win this election? Only time will tell, but win or lose, the American people will have the knowledge to make informed decisions for the future and vote for the candidates that will right the course of this great ship.”
        Ben Foster was correct --- we certainly did have more in common than just our good looks.
        While I couldn’t have said it as eloquently as he, I believed every word that he had said.
        I turned to Paul, “Why are you involved in this? You’re just a young guy. Realistically, wouldn’t your connection to this third party candidacy be tantamount to committing political suicide?”
        “Very astute, Walt. Yes, I’m risking a lot by managing this campaign, but I look at it like this --- if what the other two parties are doing is the future of politics in America, then I want no part of it anyway.”
        Maggie spoke for the first time, “I have a question for Helen.”
        “Sure, dear,” she said with a smile.
        “I read online that the two of you have been married forty-two years. How can you let Ben do this knowing that he could be taken from you because of it?”
        “I know my husband and I know that he is a passionate man,” Helen replied. “Sure, I could protest and he would drop out because he loves me, but to what end?
        “Life is meaningless without passion and without a purpose. Nursing homes are full of people our age who have lost their passion for life, and for me and Ben, that is worse than death.
        “Besides, the old coot could wander into the street tomorrow and be whacked by a bus. If he’s going to die, it might as well count for something.”
        Paul looked at his watch. “I don’t want to rush you. If you have more questions, we’ll talk as long as you like, but Ben has more calls to make.”
        I looked at Maggie, “I think I’m good. How about you?”
        She nodded.
        We said our goodbyes and on the elevator to the lobby Mark said, “I know you two need to talk. Just let me know when you’ve made a decision.
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