KNOX: Volume 3

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Book: KNOX: Volume 3 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cassia Leo


    The last thing I need right now is a fucking watery-eyed FBI agent and his chubby sidekick busting my balls over John’s case. But cooperating with federal investigations is part of my life as Knox Savage. A life I hope to leave behind very soon.
    “Can I offer you two something to drink? Some water, a pop, some bourbon?”
    Agent Armstrong blinks his watery eyes as he chuckles. “No, thank you. This won’t take long.”
    I look at his sidekick, Agent Verduta, and she shakes her head, not at all impressed.
    Armstrong takes the lead. “So we just have a few questions we need to ask you about John and Rebecca Veneto, then we’ll get out of your hair.”
    Armstrong is playing the role of the good cop today.
    “Anything you want to know that’s not covered by my confidentiality agreement is all yours.”
    Armstrong raises his eyebrows. “Confidentiality agreement? Is this something all your clients sign?”
    “Yes. It’s for their own protection.” From me.
    “Oh, okay. I get it. They have to keep quiet so they don’t compromise your security operations, which are meant to keep them safe while they await trial?”
    “Look at you, Armstrong. You are one smart cookie.”
    Armstrong shrugs, pretending to be humbled by my compliment. “What can I say. I’ve been doing this for twenty-two years.”
    “Good for you.”
    Verduta still hasn’t smiled or spoken a word and it’s starting to creep me the fuck out.
    “Okay, I’ll try to keep my questions brief and hopefully we won’t steer into any breeches of contract,” Armstrong continues. “When did you take on John Veneto’s case? A precise date, please.”
    I lean back in my chair and shrug. “I don’t know. Sometime in March or April.”
    Armstrong looks at the notepad in his lap and smiles. “But the charges weren’t brought against him until July.”
    “The investigation and reopening of Frank Mainella’s case began in March. And John was always considered the prime suspect.”
    “Okay. Next question: Was Rebecca Veneto assisting you with John’s case at the time of her abduction?”
    I take a few beats to maintain my composure. “What do you mean by assisting? Rebecca had taken an interest in her father’s case, but I wouldn’t say that she was assisting with his security detail.”
    “Okay. Let me rephrase that. Are you, or were you, in a relationship with Rebecca Veneto at the time she was abducted?”
    This is where I have to consider getting a lawyer. I don’t want to incriminate myself. And the biggest rookie mistake is thinking that you can’t get pinched if you didn’t do anything. There are plenty of innocent people in prison who will tell you one thing: Never talk to the authorities without a lawyer.
    But there’s nothing wrong with living a little dangerously.
    “Yes. Rebecca and I are together.”
    Verduta finally breaks into a tiny smile. Armstrong glances at her and they exchange a minuscule nod. Then he writes something on his notepad.
    They want me to get nervous and offer more information and justifications, but I’m not a fucking idiot.
    “Is that all?” I ask as Armstrong closes the flap of his notepad.
    “That’s it for now,” he says, leaning back in his chair. “Do you mind if I ask you something off the record?”
    Off the record. Does this guy think I got this empire by falling for weak ploys like that?
    “I don’t mind,” I say, standing up from my chair. “As long as you don’t mind if I grab myself a drink.”
    “Of course not.”
    I move to the shelf behind my desk and pour myself a scotch in a highball glass. “So what is it you want to ask me?”
    Armstrong glances around my office for a moment, then he looks me in the eye. “Who is Knox Savage?”
    I smile at this question, then take a slow sip of scotch. “I’m just a guy with a soft spot for helping people.”
    He nods and smiles as he realizes he’s not going to get shit out of me. He looks at Verduta and nods toward the door.
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