Know Not Why: A Novel
would … feel about this sign, if I
saw it. I really—”
    “Give me my fucking refund now . I have
things to do today; I don’t have time for this.”
    I stare down at the little girl. She’s twirling
her hair around one finger and glancing idly around the store, like
she’s not even interested in what’s going on. I wonder if she’ll be
nice enough to scream when her mother rips my still-beating heart
out of my chest.
    “Should you be saying words like that?” I ask,
feeling some vicarious guilt even looking at the kid.
    “Oh, so you’re telling me how to behave around my child now?”
    “No,” I say quickly, “I was not doing that.”
    “It sounded a whole lot like you were.”
    “It looks like nice glitter glue,” I say,
because a change of subject is necessary, it’s so necessary ,
    “Oh really? Why don’t you fucking try it
    She is going to kill me.
    “I would,” I yelp, “but there’s not really
anything I need to glue or glitter at the moment.”
    She lets out a disgusted laugh. “This is
    You’re telling me, lady.
    “Let me talk to your manager,” she demands.
    “I would,” I say, trying not to writhe in pain
under her gaze, “but, um, he’s having sort of a shi—crap—” But even
‘crap’ seems pretty explicit in front of a kid that little, right?
“—poopy day—” And yep, there’s me, twenty-two years old, possessor
of a pretty damn decent vocabulary, driven to say poopy .
“—and if I bothered him with this, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be
so happy—”
    “Well, guess what? I don’t give a shit about what kind of a day he’s having, because I—”
    And then Kristy comes back from the bathroom. I
want to throw myself on her in a way that doesn’t involve sex at
all; just sheer, blissful gratitude.
    She, incredibly and miraculously, sorts it out.
It’s like watching a fairy princess at work. The woman gets her
money back, and she leaves. No blood is spilt. The kid doesn’t ever
even bother to stop twirling her hair.
    “That,” I say, slumped against the counter, “was
fu—…ricking insanity. ”
    I look over at her, expecting some ‘I know, my
gosh, we’ve never had anything like that happen before!’ speech.
What I get instead is, “Not really.”
    My blood runs cold. “What?”
    “People can get really touchy about this kind of
thing,” Kristy says. She shrugs. “You get used to it after
    I stare down at the offending tube of purple
glitter glue. That something so small could spark an ugliness so
vast …
    “Okay,” is what I say. And what I think is, What have I done??

Chapter Three

    I’m supposed to meet Cora on my fourth day of
work. Kristy’s not working, and Arthur’s gone back to shaving and
having functional vision, so I’m in a crappy mood to begin with. I
didn’t take this job to spend my time selling people buttons shaped
like flamingos, you know? And I never really wanted to know what a
bead roller was. Now the mystery’s gone; overall, I’m feeling
pretty disillusioned.
    And then I come out from the kitchen, forced to
tie my apron all by myself, to find that the store has been invaded
by crazy. Again.
    There’s a girl dancing on the counter. And not,
like, a dainty twirl or two. Hell, no. Just watching this dancing
is like having your eyes sexually assaulted. It’s all boppy and
writhey and – ugh, thrusty, officially thrusty. And while I’m not
in any way opposed to this kind of thing when it involves, say, a
smoky dimly lit establishment and a pole, it just seems wrong at
nine in the morning on the counter of a store that sells all the
supplies you need to make a reindeer head out of a clothespin.
    Besides, this girl isn’t exactly Patricia the
Stripper. Atop her head is an explosion of curly, fake-purply-red
hair. She’s wearing what looks like a ratty, violently bright green
bathrobe, except it’s got shaggy white fur around the collar and
the sleeves. It’s a coat, I
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