Knight of the Empress
a supporter of my husband. He is an old fashioned loyal knight.  You will like him. We will be safe there."
    I wondered at that but I had to trust someone and if I could not trust the Empress then we were in trouble.
    As we approached the castle the gates were opened and armed men came out.  There were eight knights and the leader rode a magnificent destrier.  They had lances with pennants showing their nobility and were supported by crossbowmen on the walls. I hoped that the Empress was right. The leader took off his helmet.  I was intrigued by the design for it was made in one piece so that nothing of his features could be discerned. I saw that he had a grey flecked beard and looked to be of an age with Wulfstan.  More importantly was his smile which made me relax.
    "Empress! We wondered who came with such a conroi of knights. What brings you here?"
    "I have been visiting my father and now I return home, to Worms."
    "Then tonight, you and your men will stay with me for there are bandits abroad."
    She nodded, "We know.  They wasted La Cheppe and tried to ambush us."
    The Count was an old fashioned knight.  His wife, the Countess, had died giving birth to his youngest son.  Having no daughters I think he enjoyed being a genial host to the Empress.  It certainly explained the warm welcome.  It was a large castle but, even so, the archers and the men at arms had to camp outside the walls of the castle. I left Wulfric in charge of them.  I did not think the two Germans would try anything whilst we were under the protection of the Count du Bar but we would need to confide in him our suspicions at the earliest opportunity.  It would not do to have the Count or any of his people suffer because of us.
    The Count took the Empress to her quarters while we stabled the horses. As I fed Star and Scout I said quietly to Edward.  "You three keep an eye on our Teutonic friends and I will try to find out the lie of the land ahead of us." Edward fingered his dagger and I shook my head, "Not yet.  We have much to discover and many leagues to travel yet."
    We took only our swords to the hall and left our armour, helmets, mail and shields in the stables. It would have been rude to go to the meal prepared for battle.  The two Germans had to, reluctantly, follow suit.
    When we reached the hall the Count and the Empress were seated before the fire.  I saw that there were retainers on the doors and I wondered why. As soon as we had entered the Count gave a command and the two Germans were seized before they could draw their weapons. "Take these two Teutons away for questioning!" It was an imperious command and the guards were not dainty as they hauled the two Germans from our sight. He smiled and gestured forward three knights who looked like younger versions of the Count. "My sons and my nephew will give your knights and squires a tour of the castle, Baron Alfraed, and you can join us here." This was a ruler.  He gave commands as though he was born to it.  He reminded me of my father.
    The others left the three of us alone. He poured me some of the red, heavy wine of the region. He saluted me with his goblet as I drank, "The Empress has told me of your little problem. For one so young and with so few knights you have done well.  The raiders you slew are a band of men from Flanders.  Their Count has sent them across to our lands to cause mischief. So far he has avoided annoying me; he knows that my vengeance would be swift but he has preyed upon some of the smaller demesne." He waved his servant forward to pour us all some more wine. "Abelard, leave us and see how the food for this evening's feast progresses.  We have important guests and I wish everything to be done well." The servant bobbed his head and then left us alone.
    "I trust my servants but sometimes they gossip and I believe I have information which you might find useful."
    "Anything would help my lord, for we have a long way yet to travel. And I still have little idea
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