
Kinky Read Online Free PDF

Book: Kinky Read Online Free PDF
Author: Justine Elyot
third room is a little ajar, and we enter to find ourselves at the back of a small crowd, standing in the gloom watching something taking place on a stage beneath the blacked-out window.
    A girl is getting her arms and legs strapped to a wooden X-shape inside a large wheel. She is completely naked, her pierced nipples standing hard and red, similar silverware glinting from her labia. She is blindfolded and, once the shirtless man by her side finishes binding her, he fits a gag around her mouth as well.
    ‘Of course, it’s up to you whether you use a blindfold and/or gag,’ the man says to the audience. ‘Some might see it as gilding the lily. For others, it’s an essential part of the experience. Kiki here didn’t start using them until she’d really got to know the cross and the way I like to play with it. As ever, trust is the watchword.’
    ‘You’ve got her facing outwards,’ comments a woman in the front row. ‘I thought it was used more as a whipping post.’
    ‘Aha, I want to show you some of the different uses it can be put to before we get to the classics,’ says the … I guess he’s one of these doms, with a smile. ‘Kiki is facing out so I can be a little bit creative with those parts of her that are exposed.’
    He picks up a flogger, a cute thing with a crystal handle and purple strands, and begins swishing it gently over Kiki’s nipples.
    The woman’s teeth gnash over the gag. Her stomach undulates. I can see, even from here, her clit swell between her spread lips.
    ‘This is the perfect opportunity to tease.’ The dom chuckles. The flogger caresses Kiki’s belly and thighs.
    I clamp mine together, feeling a little hot and bothered, hoping Dimitri is too transfixed by the demonstration to notice.
    The dom flicks the flogger between Kiki’s legs, catching that sensitive inner-thigh skin, making me wince in sympathy. Tiny muffled mewls pour from her. A lacing of red patterns the whiteness on display. It must feel hot down there.
    Then he begins to flick the tips upwards.
    ‘Oh God,’ I whisper, unable to help myself. How would a flogger feel just there, right on the clit, right on the cunt? Would it burn?
    Dimitri puts a hand on the small of my back, as if sensing that I need steadying.
    Her moans stream from her while her head rotates ceaselessly on her neck.
    ‘A good heated cunt, just the way we like it, eh, Kiki,’ drawls the dom. ‘Ready to take what’s coming.’
    I forget how to breathe. Is there going to be live sex? If there is, will I be able to tear myself away? Dimitri’s fingers are drifting up and down the hollow of my back, rather hypnotically. I’m not sure he realises he’s doing it, but it’s turning me on even more.
    The dom puts down the flogger and reaches into the girl’s shaven private parts. He rubs her clit between finger and thumb, then spears two fingers up behind. When he draws them out, he shows them solemnly to the front row.
    ‘Wet enough, I think you’ll agree. Pussy whipping is a subject for another class – don’t forget to sign up for next week’s session if you’re interested.’
    With his juiced-up fingers, he spends an idle moment or two twiddling Kiki’s nipples while she strains piteously against her bonds.
    ‘Now, Kiki, you’ve gone and disgraced yourself in front of our audience again, getting horny when you’re meant to be informing and educating. Tut-tut. I guess that means I’ll have to whip you. Now, I’m going to untie you, then you turn around so I can fasten you again, OK?’
    She can hardly argue with him, mouth stuffed with silicone, but she seems happy to comply, turning obediently when her buckles are undone.
    As the dom fiddles with straps, I hazard a shy glance up at Dimitri, whose eyes have darkened in fascination. His hand appears to have come to rest on my hip and he is closer to me, almost holding me against him, like a lover would.
    He breaks his gaze and swivels it in my direction. ‘What do you think?’ he
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