Kingdom's Dream

Kingdom's Dream Read Online Free PDF

Book: Kingdom's Dream Read Online Free PDF
Author: Iris Gower
because you stepped in. You’re a good man to have around, Bull. I’ve got a lot of respect for you, and one day I hope to get you some kind of promotion. In the meantime, see the young girl in question gets an apology from me.’
    â€˜I’ll do that,’ Bull said, smiling. Even if he was spotted hanging around the Big House he had the perfect excuse to do so now.
    Katie saw him before he saw her. Bull Beynon was walking swiftly uphill and her heart lifted. She had escaped from the house without too much trouble although Cook had been more than a little suspicious when she said she needed some air.
    â€˜Air?’ Mrs Grinter had sniffed. ‘Everyone knows night air does more harm than good. Still, I suppose this is one of your funny Irish ways.’ Mrs Grinter was never going to accept that Katie had been born and bred in Swansea.
    Bull was coming nearer and Katie fell back into the shadow of the doorway. He did not see her until he was pushing open the back gate and walking up the path through the lavender bed.
    As she looked at him now in the evening light she noticed that his hair was thick and springy, and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal powerful arms. She felt a surge of triumph that such a man was even bothering to talk to her, but that was quickly followed by common sense: he was so good-looking, so manly, that he probably had hordes of women chasing after him.
    â€˜Evening, Miss Cullen,’ he said. ‘The engineer, Mr Cookson, asked me to give you his apologies for the men’s uncouth behaviour.’
    â€˜Oh, I see.’ Katie felt disappointment. ‘I suppose that’s your only reason for coming all the way up here, is it?’
    â€˜No, of course not,’ Bull said quickly, ‘I told you I’d be here and I always try to keep my word.’ He leaned against the wall of the house. ‘But if I’m asked any awkward questions I’ve got a good answer. I can hardly disobey my boss’s express wishes, can I?’
    Katie smiled. ‘No, I suppose you can’t.’ She looked at him, not knowing what else to say. Why was she so stupid, so tongue-tied? She really wanted to make a good impression on him.
    Suddenly the back door opened and Mrs Grinter was on the step. ‘What you up to, Katie Cullen?’ She stared at Bull in disapproval. ‘And who are you, might I ask?’
    Bull smiled. ‘I’m Bull Beynon, foreman on the railway,’ he said easily. ‘My boss Mr Cookson was worried about Miss Cullen’s accident the other night and sent me up to apologize on his behalf.’
    Mrs Grinter’s features softened. ‘Oh, I know all about the accident. Poor Katie was knocked down by Mr Morton-Edwards’ horses. That’s why he gave her a job, see?’
    â€˜So the apology is accepted, is it?’ Bull was smiling and Katie could tell that Cook was charmed by him.
    â€˜Well, yes, I suppose it is.’ Cook lingered on the doorstep. ‘I think Katie better come in now, though. Don’t do no good for a girl’s reputation to be alone with a man when it’s getting dark.’
    Cook took her arm and Katie had no choice but to go into the house with her. She turned briefly to wave to Bull and then the door was closed.
    â€˜He seems a nice man but you got to be careful of them navvies, whoever they are. Got a bad name, they have, as well you know. Now, girl, get off to your bed. You’ll have to start work proper tomorrow.’
    Later as Katie lay and stared at the flickering candle flame on the washstand she felt like hugging herself. Bull liked her, he really did, and she was the happiest girl in all the world.
    Bull was striding along the line away from the site of the blasting. Thankfully the rain had ceased in the last hour and he had been able to get some work done. He heard Seth O’Connor call a warning and looked up to see Katie Cullen coming towards him. ‘Damn
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