Killing Time In Eternity - Edge Series 4

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Book: Killing Time In Eternity - Edge Series 4 Read Online Free PDF
Author: George G. Gilman
wouldn’t let me do the post mortem, Ethan. And I have to allow they were probably right to spare me that kind of anguish. But I did see Billy’s remains at Joel Gannon’s place - Joel’s the Eternity undertaker. And I read the report of the medical examiner from Dodge who – ‘ He broke off and again came close to losing control of himself. Then he was locked in a frozen attitude, staring into space for stretched seconds, his face pallid.
    ‘Charlie, I think . . . ‘
    Childs unclenched his fists and held up both hands. ‘Where are you staying?’
    Shelby shrugged. ‘I hadn’t given it any thought. But I noticed there’s a hotel across the street.’
    ‘You’ll come to the house and stay with me. And we can continue this discussion there. Or tomorrow, if you’ve about had your fill tonight of listening to me do so much talking and saying so little of any substance?’
    ‘That’ll be fine with me. But I wouldn’t accuse you of doing that. If you really believe Billy was murdered, I’ll sure do all I can to help you prove it.’
    ‘I sure want you to look into it for me, Ethan.’ It was more emphatic than anything he had said so far. And his knuckles were white again as he gripped the arms of the chair and pushed himself upright.
    ‘But you have to realise that even if I was still on the force I wouldn’t have the authority around here to – ‘
    ‘You used to be a big city detective. Now you’re out of work. Ward Flynt does a pretty good job with his routine law keeping duties in Eternity, but I think even he would agree he’s no great analytical brain.’ He started toward where the bartender stood behind the counter and said over his shoulder: ‘I’m a long way from being rich, but I can afford to cover your living expenses while you take the time to look into how Billy died, Ethan.’ He paid Segal what was owed, turned too quickly and swayed: which was the first sign in a 19
    long time he still felt the effects of drinking too much liquor tonight. ‘Where’s your baggage?’
    ‘It’s down at the depot. I just have a couple of small pieces and – ‘
    ‘We’ll go get them. Then you’ll stay the night with me. Come the cold light of a new day we’ll talk it through again. And you can tell me yes or no.’
    Shelby rose from the table. ‘Whatever you say, Charlie.’
    ‘Good, that’s very good.’
    Childs moved unsteadily toward the doorway and at one point Shelby reached out to support him. But he remained on his feet unaided, called goodnight to Segal and Edge then pushed open the doors and complained without rancour about the fast falling, wind driven rain. Shelby went out behind him without acknowledging the bartender and the lone customer still left in the saloon.
    Then in the silence within the Second Chance, Edge rolled and lit a cigarette, returned the newspaper to its original folds and re-read the front page account of the violent death of William C. Childs. While Segal cleared away used glasses and washed them, wiped down tables and the counter top, finished his chores and said ruefully: ‘You’ve just got to feel sorry for Doc Childs. He’s so dead set in his mind that Billy was murdered. Yet there ain’t a single thing come to light to prove that was so. And not one soul in Eternity believes it except him.’
    Edge abandoned his newspaper, rose and stretched to ease his muscles that were stiffened from being seated for so long. He had paid for each beer when he got it so had no need to detour to the counter on his way to the doors.
    ‘The feller sure is broke up about it.’ He put on his Stetson, half opened one door and scowled out into the stormy night, not relishing the walk of a quarter mile or so around the curve of Main Street to the Quinn and Son store.
    Segal answered as the salon’s final customer shrugged into his slicker: ‘Bound to be, mister. We can all understand that, him being the grieving father he is. But if that New York detective buddy of his
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