and closer to his biggest competition.
Chapter 13
“Are you crazy, letting that creep in?” Sean said.
“We don’t have to tell him every time we’re studying,” Amanda suggested.
“Like he’s not going to see us gathered at the library,” Jack said.
“We’ll just start studying in my dorm room,” Amanda said with her big smile.
“Yeah, that is a great idea,” Abrams quickly responded. The idea of getting into Amanda’s dorm room thrilled Abrams.
“We’ll get all his brother’s old exams and he’ll never know we meet in my room. It’s the best of both worlds,” she said.
“Sounds like a plan, Amanda,” Will noted.
Sean was not happy with the arrangement. For some reason, he felt wary of Todd. He was not even sure why; it was just a gut feeling with him. Sean had always relied on his gut feelings – it had kept him out of trouble his entire life.
His father had been in prison for most of Sean’s life, and his mother would often leave him at his grandmother’s. His grandmother was a very strong woman with a very big heart and loved Sean more than any other person in the world. Sean knew that he had only one person to thank for making it to law school – his grandmother.
Practically unavoidable in the neighborhood he grew up in, Sean got into trouble with the law at a very young age. Gangs were rampant in his neighborhood and he was only 10 when he was approached for the first time by a gang. Luckily, his grandmother witnessed Sean hanging out with the gang members, and she moved him to a suburb in Greensboro, North Carolina. She did not want to make the same mistakes she had made with Sean’s mother. His grandmother constantly pushed Sean to be a good man and follow what Jesus had taught. She forced Sean to church every Sunday and even made him volunteer at the church – the Gospel Light Baptist Church. Even though Sean had no interest in religion, he would mind his grandmother and never missed any Sundays.
When his grandmother passed in 1999, Sean was alone. He got a part-time job and put himself through community college and then on to the University of North Carolina. He often struggled in school due to the amount of hours he was working to help pay for his education, but he eventually graduated. He had made a promise to his grandmother a long time ago that he would make her proud. Nothing would make her prouder than seeing her grandson become a lawyer. And here he was in his second week of law school. He was on his way to becoming the man his grandmother had always hoped he would become. There was only one major obstacle in the way of Sean achieving his goal – Professor Isaiah Kirshner.
C hapter 14
Professor Ferguson strutted back and forth in the front of the classroom. She was certainly one of the most attractive professors at Miami University and was often the subject of conversation among the male students. This made her lectures on Property a lot more interesting, especially when she would wear a low-cut top and a tight skirt.
Jack was in love, as he watched Professor Ferguson’s every move and wrote down every word that came out of her beautiful mouth. He would smile every time she looked up in his direction and would fantasize about her as she discussed the various tenancy of property ownership.
Will was also impressed with her looks, but he could not stop thinking about his next class. He knew every time he would see Professor Ferguson’s pretty face that it was only a few hours away from seeing Kirshner. His heart began to race at the thought of facing this man again. Despite the amount of time his study group had spent together the night before, Will still felt uncomfortable with the material. It was not a matter of memory or intelligence – it was a matter of his confidence.
Will had never been a very confident person, and Kirshner’s criticism of him in class last week really stuck with him. He would often think to himself, “Maybe he is right. Maybe my parents