Kelly Clan 02 - Connor

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Book: Kelly Clan 02 - Connor Read Online Free PDF
Author: Madison Stevens
“Haven’t you learned anything from Finn? There’s not just a plan but several back-ups as well.”
    She watched him closely. It seemed like he wanted to help, but still it was hard to be sure. Ennis held his leash, after all.
    “And do I get to know those other plans?” she asked.
    Conor shook his head. “Only if we have to. For now, you need to let me work here.”
    Claire nearly choked on the spit in her mouth. “I, what?”
    He stood and started to pace around the office. Really, he was far too large to make much of a run of it, but she couldn’t help but smile. He had always been like this. When he had a good idea, he would get excited and start to pace.
    “Ennis wants me to win you over.” He looked over to her. His light brown eyes burned into her. “I’m supposed to do that anyway I can.”
    Her heart thumped in her chest, and she felt her nipples tighten under her bra. Claire only hoped that the padding would be enough to cover her.
    “I’m not...”
    He held up a hand and turned away.
    “I know, but he needs to think it,” he said with his back to her. She could see the muscles on his back twitch and wondered if it bothered him to have to come to her, especially after how they had left things.
    She shook her head. It didn’t matter. The past was the past, and she wasn’t going to live there with him.
    “So what, we put on an act?” she said.
    He turned around and nodded. “For now until something comes along. Maybe you’ll lose.” He shrugged.
    Claire frowned. “I won’t,” she said with conviction. “I’m ahead in the polls, and I’ve got everything good on my side.”
    He frowned slightly. “Well, there’s always a chance he might try to dig up dirt,” Conor said. “Or push the dirt that's already there. Your connections, for example.”
    Claire stood. “That doesn’t seem like a very good way to win me over, and it'd make me pretty useless as a tool.”
    Conor shrugged. “You weren’t supposed to know I was sent to do what I had to.”
    She thought about it. Even Anna seemed to realize that there might be blow-back from being related to Finn and working for Harriet. She had done as much as she could, but there was always something to dig up.
    Claire walked around to the front of the desk and leaned back on it. “And what will you be doing if you work here?”
    Conor grinned and winked. “What did you have in mind?”
    She snorted. “Taking out the trash. Mowing the lawn. Sweeping. Dusting.”
    He bowed with a flourish. “Whatever you wish.”
    Claire grinned. She didn’t want to, but it was so damn hard not to like him. It always had been.
    She turned to gather her purse.
    “Fine, be here by nine and ready to go,” she said. When she turned around, Conor was standing by the office door.
    “Part of the job,” he said firmly. “I walk you out. You don’t go anywhere dangerous without letting me know.”
    Claire stopped just in front of him. “Am I in danger?” she asked, as her heart sped up. It was hard not to be scared when he put it that way.
    Conor glanced to the side as if he were trying to think of the right thing to say. Finally, he sighed.
    “You’re not in a good position,” he said and ran a hand through his sandy hair. “I’ll keep you safe.”
    She wondered how much he’d be able to do, especially if his boss was the one who ordered the hit.
    Claire walked down the hall and out the door, Conor close behind. He waited to the side as she locked the door and followed her to her car. They walked in silence, both lost in their own thoughts.
    She hit the button to her car and turned. Claire nearly gasped at his closeness.
    “Well,” she said, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
    She jumped slightly when his hand came up to her cheek and brushed just over the bone.
    “I’m sorry I jumped you,” he said softly.
    She breathed in deeply, trying to steady herself, and that only filled her senses with the smell of his soap, deep rich notes, sprinkled
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