just in time to witness this. "What the fuck? I have to go get a goddamned shirt on and she's got her shit hanging out?"
"Calm you drawers Conan, it was a wardrobe malfunction." Cori said putting Violet's shirt back up.
"Yeah, I wasn't so thrilled to know my woman whipped her tit out in front of the whole convention, but it is cool."
"Please, Cor, there were ball sacks as far as the eye could see."
All four women made horrified faces.
"Ew! Vi!" Faith said through a scrunched face. "I prefer my ball sacks of the latex variety."
"Less hair that way." Cori agreed.
"Very pleasant morning talk." Reece said with a disgusted expression. Smudge struggled in her arm to get to Faith, so she handed him over, grabbed her coffee mug and headed for the living room.
"Ooo, she's cranky today! Didn't you give her any?"
Faith sighed. "Plenty. She's been brooding a lot lately and I don't know why. She thinks I don't notice, but I do."
"You think it has something to do with the movie?" Cori asked in concern. If Reece was holding something in, it was bound to come out some time, and in a big way.
"I'm not sure." Faith said with thought. "Anyway, I'll talk to her about it later.
"Speaking of the movie..." Violet grinned from ear to ear. "Congratulations are an order! My little Faith, I knew you when." She said, carefully hugging Faith, so not to squash the small dog. "What are we doing to celebrate?"
"Sorry, Charlie, we already celebrated last night." Reece said, poking her head into the kitchen.
"Ha, you're so funny." Cori pretended to laugh. "What's say we go out and do something freaky!"
"Cor, just you waking up is freaky." Reece commented.
Violet threw a napkin at the club owner. "Butt out Legs, you already celebrated." She said sticking out her tongue.
"Come on, go get dressed. Today's on me!" Violet said, pushing Faith toward the stairs.
With their women disappearing upstairs, Reece and Cori were left alone. Cori stared at Reece inquisitively, following her wherever she went, until the tall woman couldn't stand it any more.
"What the fuck is your problem?" she asked in irritation.
Cori laughed, totally expecting the outburst. "I was just gonna ask you that? What's with the face? It's way unattractive."
"What are you writing a book?" Reece replied, picking up the tiny dog and plopping down into the sofa.
Undeterred, the dancer followed. "Maybe. I think I'll call it 'Stupid Reece and Her Ugly Face.'" Cori sat cross legged on the coffee table and watched in amusement as her friend ignored her. Reece had diverted all her attention to Smudge as she pet him and pretended to clean his eyes. Cori rolled her eyes as the club owner peeked in is ear.
"Make yourself useful and get me a Q-tip."
The dancer blew out a breath and disappeared to the guest bathroom right next to the living room. On her way out, she could hear Reece talking to the dog.
"At least I know you won't be spending all your time making a movie, you'll be right here where you should be. Look at that ear, its got all sorts of crap in it, Cor? You coming or what?"
Cori sighed heavily. She knew what Reece's problem was now, but there was no solution to it. Faith was making this movie, and that came with a lot of extra shit for Reece to deal with, and Reece doesn't deal well with shit. Cori sighed again, realizing what Reece will be going through and how difficult she'd become. Justifiably difficult. She smiled weakly at how Reece was keeping it to herself, and not making Faith feel guilty, but still was upset because she wasn't going to be able to make her friend feel better. When the dancer finally turned the corner into the living room, she laughed out loud at the various ear products Reece had laid out in a row on the coffee table.
"It's about time, what did you do, take a shit while you were in there?"
"Yeah, and I didn't even spray. Here Miss Impatient." she handed over a bunch of Q-tips and sat down to watch her large, muscular, intimidating friend,
Kit Tunstall, R.E. Saxton