Just Between Us

Just Between Us Read Online Free PDF

Book: Just Between Us Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.J. Scotts
throat, and tried again.
    “Did that really happen?” Even now, his brain seemed unable to process this new reality.
    Sam laughed. “You mean…did I just suck your cock?” He quirked a brow. “Depends. Are you okay with that?”
    Ryan stared at Sam, his handsome face shadowed in the dim light. Too many memories to differentiate vied for attention in his muddled mind. Sam, his best friend. Sam, his partner-in-crime. Sam, his lover.
    Ryan smiled. “I’m very okay with that.”
    “Yeah?” Sam’s head tilted slightly, and Ryan realized that, despite his take-charge attitude, his friend was a little uncertain too. He slid closer to Sam, snaking his arm around the other man’s shoulders and pulling him in close.
    “Good,” Sam said again, slanting his mouth over Ryan’s again, taking him in another deep, demanding kiss. Their tongues dueled, sliding against each other, struggling for domination of the embrace. Ryan wasn’t sorry when Sam won, growling into his mouth as he nipped Ryan’s lower lip hard.

{ 5 }
    Neither one of them noticed when the car stopped. When Steve’s voice echoed over the intercom, Ryan jumped. Sam chuckled softly.
    “We’re here, Mr. Cavell.”
    Ryan glanced out the window, aware for the first time that they had been driving for longer than it took to get to his place. The softly glowing streetlights outside the car illuminated the dark brick of Sam’s house. He turned back to find his friend watching him, shadows making his expression impossible to read. Ryan felt a tiny prickle of cold fear. That they’d crossed a line they shouldn’t have crossed and somehow screwed up the most important relationship in his life.
    Then Sam gave him that crooked grin. “Button up,” he said with a teasing quirk of his brow at Ryan’s undone fly. “And come inside... we’re not done yet.”
    The words sent a fierce, hot thrill though Ryan’s veins. “Is that so?” He’d meant it to come out teasing and brash, something that normally came so easily to him. But instead, his voice was a wobbly croak. He was still completely thrown by this change in his friend, this new aspect of their relationship.
    Sam’s eyes glinted like obsidian as he grasped Ryan’s hand where it fumbled with his zipper and tugged it into his own lap. Ryan sucked in a breath of surprise when his palm was pressed against the iron hard ridge of Sam’s cock.
    “Does this feel done to you?” Sam asked seductively.
    Ryan shook his head, fingers exploring the impressive length hidden beneath the black cotton. He probably would have sat there all night, mesmerized by the feel of Sam’s cock in his hand, if his friend hadn’t pushed open the car door and pulled him out onto the walkway that led to the house.
    “Goodnight, Mr. Cavell. Mr. McConnell.” Steve spoke from the other side of the car. Ryan didn’t even process the driver’s words, or the fact that he seemed completely unsurprised that Ryan would be staying the night. Not that it would be the first time, but usually when that was the plan, he drove his own car.
    “Night, Steve.” Sam tossed the words back over his shoulder as he hurried to his front door, keys jingling.
    Ryan followed him, still in a haze, absently doing up the top button of his jeans. When he reached Sam’s side, the taller man pushed him hard up against the door and crushed his mouth to Ryan’s in a conquering, claiming kiss. He wrapped his arms around Sam’s broad back and let him have control, again. He wallowed in his best friend’s commanding presence, enjoying the feel of Sam’s long, lean, hard body pressed against his from chest to knee.
    The rigid length of Sam’s cock dug into Ryan’s hip. He clutched Sam tighter, rubbing himself against the hard ridge of cloth-covered flesh. Sam bit Ryan’s lip.
    “Get inside and take your clothes off.” He reached around Ryan to push the door open, and they both stumbled into the darkness beyond.
    Despite the fact that
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