JULIA JONES - My Worst Day Ever! - Book 1: aged 9 - 12

JULIA JONES - My Worst Day Ever! - Book 1: aged 9 - 12 Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: JULIA JONES - My Worst Day Ever! - Book 1: aged 9 - 12 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katrina Kahler
suggested that she could borrow a pair from
    “Oh no, that’s ok,” she replied. “They
probably wouldn’t fit me anyway! I’m happy just watching everybody!”
    However, I could see that this clearly was
not the case. Becky was looking longingly towards the pool, as she sat following
the actions of everyone jumping into the water. And when I looked up, I saw
them all standing in a row on the diving deck, holding hands ready to take a
running jump into the deep end. Sara had a firm hold of Blake’s hand on one
side and Jack’s hand on the other and was calling out, “One, two, three…” after
which they all took a flying leap. It looked like so much fun and I was keen to
join them myself.
    Just then, an idea popped into my head. I
whispered quietly in Millie’s ear and then indicated for her to follow my lead.
    Leaping to my feet, I raced to the side of
the pool and called out, “Girls, have a look at this!”
    Millie ran over to see what had got my
attention and as expected, Becky joined her. When both girls were looking curiously
into the water, wondering what I had become so excited about, I sneaked behind
the two of them and pushed them both in. Becky was still fully clothed, but I
was determined that she should join in the fun. The squeal of surprise that
came from her just before she hit the water made everyone look in her
    Panicking momentarily at what her reaction
would be, I let out a huge sigh of relief when she came to the surface with a
grin and exclaimed, “Julia Jones! I’m going to have to get you back for that!”
    “Oh well,” I replied. “You’re all wet now,
so you may as well stay in the water!” And I dived in beside her.
    Being dressed in shorts and a little
singlet top, I knew Becky would be fine to swim as she was. And because we had all
brought a change of clothes, I figured she’d have something dry to put on
    It turned out to be the best thing I could
have done as from that moment on, the beaming smile never left her face. And it
took very little effort to encourage her to join us in lining up on the diving
deck ready for a big jump. She was obviously feeling comfortable as she was
fully clothed rather than having to expose her body in a pair of swimmers. But
I was glad to see her joining in with the rest of us.
    Jackie’s mom was there with her camera,
ready to take photos and just as we were about to run and leap, I felt someone
come around behind me and grab my hand. Looking up in surprise, I saw that it
was Blake and laughing, we all held hands and took a flying jump.
    When we resurfaced, I noticed Sara watching
as Blake tried to dunk my head under the water. She was clearly not impressed
that he was showing me any attention and then out of the blue, she suddenly
starting screaming, “Oh my head! My head!” All eyes were then abruptly focused on
    “What’s wrong?” Jackie called out in a
worried tone. “Are you alright Sara?”
    “No!” she replied angrily. “Someone kicked
me in the head when I went under water just then! Ouch, it really hurts!” And
she stormed out of the pool and slumped down in a chair in the gazebo.
    Everyone else immediately climbed out and
went to surround her. Jackie’s mom raced inside to get some ice and some of the
girls wrapped a towel around her shoulders while trying to comfort her. Millie
looked at me and rolled her eyes. “What a drama queen!” she said, shaking her
head as she got out of the water and headed towards the trampoline.
    I looked back at Sara with puzzlement then
decided she had enough people attending to her so I joined Millie on the tramp.
We soon became so absorbed in the fun we were having that we didn’t realize everyone
was leaving the pool area to go inside.
    But when a shrill scream abruptly emanated
from the direction of the house, we both looked up with a start. “Oh, my gosh!”
I exclaimed to Millie. “What was that?”
    Anxiously, I jumped off the trampoline
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