control systems in our society")
Favourite game: The Simpsons Hit & Run
Preferred Simpsons character: Groundskeeper Willie OR Lard Lad
Does he watch too much TV, specifically The Simpsons, to compensate for his media-free upbringing?: Yes
Preferred karaoke song: None
Reason for having no preferred karaoke song: Grew up without pop culture or music: "I just don't get it—but I'm trying, I really am."
Food group most prevalent within work cubicle: M&M's (which is based on statistics on items most commonly eaten out of hotel mini-bars).
Living Cartoon Profile No. 4
Name: Brandon Mark Jackson
Name people actually use: Mark
Reason for boring name people actually use: Entered jPod only three weeks ago
Non-work e-name(s):
[email protected] Preferred room temperature: Haven't yet discussed this, but I'm guessing 72°F
Favourite game: Baldur's Gate
Preferred Simpsons character: Fast-food guy with cracking voice OR Moe Szyslak: opposite ends of the food-and-beverage industry labour cycle
Preferred karaoke song: Has yet to show any musical verve
Food group most prevalent within work cubicle: None
Does he think we don't notice this?: Yes
Is his office freakishly clean with no evidence whatsoever of an interior life—not even so much as a snapshot or anime knick-knackery?: Yes
Living Cartoon Profile No. 5
Name: Kaitlin Anna Boyd Joyce
Name people actually use: Kaitlin
Was she at the meeting today with Steve Who Turned AroundToblerone in Two Years? Yes
Do we know much about her yet?: No. She joined jPod yesterday.
Non-work e-name(s):
[email protected] Preferred room temperature: Haven't discussed it, but I'm guessing 72°F
Favourite game: Yahoo!'s text twist (spied on her)
Preferred Simpsons character: I'm guessing Lisa
Preferred karaoke song: I'm hoping it's one I really like
Food group most prevalent within work cubicle: Gum
Does she notice me?: To be honest, I think not
Will I let her see this particular character report?: No way
Living Cartoon Profile No. 6
Name: Me
Name on birth certificate: Ethan Harrison Jarlewski
Name people actually use: Ethan
Non-work e-name(s):
[email protected] Preferred room temperature: 68°F, and I hate hate hate humidity
Most creative thing ever done: An old operating system I invented when I was in high school. I called it Mentos.
Favourite game: Chrono Trigger on Sony PlayStation, a delectable console RPG with art by Akira Toriyama, sound by Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu
Preferred Simpsons character: Kang and Kodos, the aliens
Preferred karaoke song: None
Reason for not having a preferred karaoke song: I live in fear of karaoke. Even thinking of it in this detached neutral listing format causes me to worry that I might somehow even unintentionally lure karaoke into my life.
Food group most prevalent within work cubicle: Kettle Chips with cracked pepper and lime, even though I suspect they give me bad dreams. Went through a Jell-0 Pudding Snacks phase last fall, but now can't even look at the stuff.
Does he consider himself normal?: I used to, but now I wonder. Or rather, I think I'm still normal, but everyone around me is going random. Now I look at most people like recently lit Roman candles, unsure if they're about to go off, or if they're merely duds.
Does he enjoy his job?: The greatest challenge is to have a job without actually doing work, which is really hard to pull off in a company where workspace productivity is measured with just about every conceivable form of metrics.
Does he take satisfaction in his approach to work?: Yes
. . .
"Ethan, your description of me makes me look like a goof."
"Mark, all I did was collect the data and present it."
Mark was peeved. "Ethan, there has to be more to my life than this."
"Why can't you just be happy as a shallow cartoon glyph of a human like everybody else here?"
"You don't understand—I'm me —I have a soul"
"Mark, I think you're obsessing on this whole