Jesus Unmasked: The Truth Will Shock You

Jesus Unmasked: The Truth Will Shock You Read Online Free PDF

Book: Jesus Unmasked: The Truth Will Shock You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Todd Friel
Tags: Christian
not sufficient. Not only are our efforts not enough to satisfy His demand for justice, our good works are actually seen as contaminated offerings. All of our righteous deeds are like “filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6) because they are offered from sinful, contaminated hands. We can do nothing to satisfy the righteous demands of a righteous God. Left to ourselves we are without hope.
    4.We need God to intervene and rescue us.
    5.We need a perfect blood sacrifice. We need a perfect man to represent sinful man, and we need the sacrifice of God Himself to appease the wrath of God Himself. We need a God-man to shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.
    Human history begins with two shadows of God’s prearranged plan to rescue us. These are shadowy pictures indeed, but the shadows slowly lift.
    Still Approximately 4,000 Years Before Christ
    The very next Bible story picks up our shadowy theme. Genesis 4 is the true story of Adam and Eve’s first two sons.
    Cain and Abel both offered a sacrifice to God. Cain offered God a grain offering while his brother Abel brought choice selections from his flock.
    The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but He did not accept Cain and his offering (Gen. 4:4–5; NLT).
    God was pleased with the sacrifice of an animal offered in faith, but He was not pleased with a grain offering. We see that God’s “sacrifice of choice” is a blood-bearing animal. The shadow becomes just slightly less fuzzy.
    2,050 Years Before Christ
    God’s shadowy prearranged plan unfolds with a man named Abraham. God called Abraham to be the father of a great nation (Israel) by providing aged Abraham with a son. One day, God tested the faith of Abraham. On the surface this event may sound strange to us, but this event happened as a shadow of things to come.
    God commanded Abraham to do something that He had forbidden: sacrifice a human being. God told Abraham to sacrifice his precious son, Isaac.
    Abraham traveled to Mount Moriah (the mountain right outside of the not-yet-built city of Jerusalem) with Isaac and two of his servants.
    Stay here with the donkey,” Abraham told the young men. “The boy and I will travel a little farther. We will worship there, and then we will come right back.” Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac’s shoulders, while he himself carried the knife and the fire. As the two of them went on together, Isaac said, “ Father ?” “Yes, my son ,” Abraham replied. “We have the wood and the fire,” said the boy, “but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” “ God will provide a lamb , my son,” Abraham answered (Gen. 22:5–8; NLT).
    Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son and God intervened.
    â€śLay down the knife,” the angel said. “Do not hurt the boy in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld even your beloved son from me.” Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a bush. So he took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering on the altar in place of his son . A braham named the place “ The Lord will provide ” (Gen. 22:12–14; NLT).
    Two thousand years before God’s Son, Jesus Christ, came to this earth, God gave us a shadowy picture of the death of another beloved son in Jerusalem. In this shadowy picture, the son was spared. The next time the sacrifice of a son was required, blood would be shed. That blood would be from the lamb that God would provide.
    1,446 Years Before Christ
    The Jews are now captive in Egypt working as slaves. God rescued them by sending ten plagues to Pharaoh. The first nine plagues failed to soften Pharaoh’s heart, so God sent plague number ten and it was a doozey. God threatened Pharaoh, “If you don’t let my people go, I will kill every firstborn child” (Exodus 11:4–8). However, God provided a way for the
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