
Jack Read Online Free PDF

Book: Jack Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ellen Miles
important, love them.
    Before she went back outside, she went upstairs. “Did Kit Smithers write back yet?” she asked her mom after she’d told her all about Eileen’s phone call.
    “Not yet.” Her mom frowned at her notes. “Remember, I said it might take a while.”
    When Lizzie went out the back door, she was surprised to see Charles and Buddy and the Bean running in circles around the backyard. She waved Charles down. “What are you doing?”
    “Playing tag!” Charles bent over and panted. “The Bean is it!”
    “But where’s Jack?”
    Charles looked over his shoulder. “I don’t know. He was right behind me a second ago.”
    Jack was not in the rosebushes. He was not near the swing set. He was not behind the shed.
    Jack was underneath the porch — and he was chewing on something.
    “What have you got there, Jackie?” Lizzie asked. She had to get down on her hands and knees for a good view.
    Then Lizzie’s eyes adjusted to the dark and she saw what Jack was eating.
Mountain Girl
!” Her book! Her most beautiful, favorite book, all ripped to pieces.

    Lizzie wanted to yell. She wanted to scream. But she bit her lip. It wasn’t Jack’s fault. It was hers. She never should have brought that book outside where he was playing. Jack looked up at her with his big shiny brown eyes. He had one paw on the book, and a slobbered-on shred of paper hung from his jaw.
    Oops. Did I do something wrong again?
    “No, Jack!” said Lizzie. “Leave it!” But the lump in her throat made it hard to talk. Plus she was so upset that she could hardly even remember what Eileen had said to do. Lizzie blinked back her tears.
    “Lizzie!” Mom opened her study window and stuck out her head. “Lizzie, guess what? You just got a note back from Kit Smithers!”
    Lizzie gasped. The ruined book forgotten, she ran inside and took the stairs two at a time, with Buddy and Jack scrabbling along behind her. “Let’s see! What did she say? Did she answer my questions?”
    Mom smiled as she let Lizzie sit down at her computer. “That was very nice of her, to write back so quickly. I’ll go get myself a cup of coffee while you read. Maybe I should take Jack downstairs with me, too.”
    “Oh, let him stay!” said Lizzie. “He’s good as long as someone’s right there with him. I’ll watch him.” She barely noticed when her mother left the room. She was already reading Kit Smithers’s letter.
    Dear Lizzie,
    Thanks for your note! Fortunately, I just finishedmy work for the day, so I have a chance to write back to you right away. I’m so glad you like my books. You’re right, I do love dogs, butI don’t have one right now. My old dog, Jasper, used to spend all day with me in my little writing cabin in the woods near my house. I miss his company, even though he snored!
    As for your other questions:
    I decided to be a writer because I love to write. It’s the best job in the world, because I can work at home, even in my pajamas if I want.
    I don’t draw the pictures in my books, but I think the artist does a great job of bringing my characters to life, don’t you?
    My stories are sometimes
on true stories, but I make up a lot of the details. I plan to write many, many more books.
    And finally, my favorite color is green. Maybe that’s why I chose to live in the Green Mountain State.
    Thanks again for writing, Lizzie. I liked the picture you sent. That must be Buddy in your lap, since he has a white spot in the shape of a heart on his chest. He’s very cute. I bet your new foster puppy, Jack, is cute, too. My cousins had a boxer named Bailey, and I always loved that dog.
    Your friend,
    Kit Smithers
    Lizzie sat back in her chair. “Wow!” It was so cool to get a letter back from someone as famous as Kit Smithers. She leaned forward and read the whole letter over again. Kit Smithers had answered every single question! Lizzie clicked “reply” and started writing.
    Dear Kit Smithers,
    Thanks for
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