It's a Waverly Life

It's a Waverly Life Read Online Free PDF

Book: It's a Waverly Life Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maria Murnane
    He put his arm around me and steered me into the kitchen. “Because Atlanta has a lot to offer, Miss Bryson.”
    “I guess we’ll see about that,” I said.

    “Do you miss sports PR? We’ve never really talked about that.” Jake poured me a fresh cup of coffee, which I immediately doctored up with cream and sugar. “Shane says you were really good at your job.”
    I stirred the spoon slowly. “Yes and no. I definitely miss the people, or at least some of them, but I certainly don’t miss the stress of dealing with high-maintenance clients, even the male ones. I didn’t realize men could be divas until I worked with professional athletes.”
    He laughed. “I hear you there. What about being the boss? Do you miss that?”
    I smiled and shook my head. “I was never the boss, Jake. KA Marketing is a huge company.”
    “But you were a senior account director, right? So you were someone’s boss.”
    “Okay, true.”
    “Do you miss anything about it?”
    I cupped the steaming mug with both hands and held it under my chin. “I used to think I’d miss the prestige of the high-profile campaigns, but it turns out I don’t.”
    He scratched his eyebrow. “Yeah, I know something about that. Working with celebrity athletes isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds.”
    “Exactly. It was fun for a while, but there’s got to be more to life than helping rich people get richer. I just felt like it was time to do something different.”
    “Something more fulfilling?”
    I nodded.
    “Like the Honey Notes?”
    I nodded again. “I know I can’t live off them forever, but I also think there’s something more that I could do with the idea behind them, if that makes sense. I feel like something’s there, but I just don’t know what it is yet.”
    “Something tells me you’ll figure it out.”
    “You think?”
    “I think.”
    “Thanks. At least one thing I’ve figured out is that I’m not so worried about how things look anymore. Now I’m more concerned with how they feel. I know that sounds a little new age-y, but I guess this is the new Waverly.”
    “And how do they feel now that you’re in Atlanta?” He reached across the kitchen table and took my hand. The quick change of subject surprised me, and for a moment I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact with him.
    Tell him how you feel, Waverly.
    I wanted to, but suddenly all I could think about was the woman in the photo.
    I feel vulnerable , I wanted to say. I feel like I’m not as together as you think I am. I feel scared that if I let you in, you’re going to break my heart like Aaron did.
    I wanted to open up. I really did.
    But I choked and poured ice water on the moment.
    “Things feel chilly in here, Mr. McIntyre.” I pulled my hand away and playfully rumpled his hair, then stood up and wrapped my arms around myself. “I’m going to get a sweater.”

    “Tell us everything. Leave nothing out.” Andie spread her hands on the deli table between us.
    “I can’t tell you everything . Gory details are your style, not mine.”
    McKenna put a hand on Andie’s shoulder and nodded. “It’s called a filter.”
    Andie shrugged. “Fine, fine, just give us the highlights. Did you sleep with him?”
    “And was it good?”
    I picked up a forkful of Caesar salad. “Yes.”
    “How good?”
    I smiled.
    Andie pumped her fist, then gave McKenna a high-five. “I knew it! He’s too good-looking for it not to be good.”
    I filled them in on the basics of the weekend, glossing over the steamy parts that were burned into my memory. Saturday before the Hawks game Jake had taken me to see the Botanical Gardens and Piedmont Park, and we’d spent most of Sunday wandering hand in hand around the Little Five Points neighborhood before my flight home. I was fascinated by Little Five Points, a funky section of town filled with indie cafés and artsy boutiques that made me feel even less hip than I normally did. My favorite part
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