Island Affair (Escape Into Romance)

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Book: Island Affair (Escape Into Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathrine Emrick
tongue. She raked her nails along his smooth back and squeezed his firm butt cheeks before wrapping a firm hand around his hardness to urge him towards her welcoming heat.

Chapter Eight
    The following morning found them travelling into Tyljon village in Jonathan's sleek, black Porsche 911. He had the top down and the wind was whipping Lacey's hair about her face. She looked in Jonathan's direction and shivered with the memory of their lovemaking last night and again this morning. He had been everything she had imagined, and more.
    She had always thought that he was probably very passionate in the bedroom but she hadn't reckoned on him being so sweet and gentle also. It had taken her by surprise. Her breath hitched when Jonathan flicked a quick look at her with a beaming grin. His eyes were crinkled and sparkling; he looked happy.
    The village was alive with all the colors and smells of Christmas Eve. The market was particularly congested as people went about their last minute Christmas shopping. Lacey had almost forgotten that it was nearly Christmas. She had been so wrapped up in what was happening between Jonathan and herself that she had hardly given it a thought.
    She must remember to give her father a call tomorrow. He would be busy with the Christmas rush at his bed and breakfast establishment in Tempest Beach but he would be very hurt if she didn't remember him. He still believed in the Christmas spirit even though her mother had died the day before the holiday when she had been just ten years old.
    Jonathan tugged on her hand and said, "Hey, where did you go to?"
    She smiled at him. "I was just thinking about my father."
    He nodded. "Oh okay. Are you and your father close?"
    "Yes, we are. It's just the two of us and we have a special bond. How about you? Are you close to your family?"
    "No not really. Hey come and have a look over here?"
    He dragged her in the direction of a produce stall and the conversation about family was effectively ended.
    They spent the rest of the day wandering around the village soaking up the atmosphere. They ended the day by eating dinner at the world famous restaurant, Azumeru. Lacey was overwhelmed by the glamorous interior with its high ceilings and crisp white table linens. Thick, luxurious carpeting muffled footsteps and the whole place reeked of affluence.
    Jonathan helped Lacey into her seat before sitting down himself. They dined on a wonderful selection of oysters Kilpatrick, Caesar salad and eye fillet steak served with pan tossed seasonal vegetables. All this was washed down by fine Australian wine. By the time they finished the meal they were both almost too stuffed to move.
    "That was incredible. I'm completely stuffed." Lacey sat back in her seat and patted her hands on her stomach. "Do you come here often? They seemed to know you."
    Jonathan chuckled at her antics and she looked at him with shining eyes. He thought that he had never seen her so relaxed. The effect on her was to make her look even more beautiful. He was quiet for a few moments just drinking in the sight. "No not that often. I don't utilize the estate nearly as often as I should. There is always some pressing matter at work to take care of that stops me from coming here."
    "You work too much, you know?" She flushed a little. Where had that come from? The wine must have loosened her tongue.
    He speared her with a sharp look. "Why do you say that?"
    The mood had turned serious all of a sudden and she cursed herself for bringing it about. "I don't know. You just don't seem to have any fun. You're at work all of the time."
    "Well, I am the CEO of the company. I have to keep an eye on the running of the place to make sure it stays profitable."
    "Yeah, but don't you have a second in command for that? I thought the idea was that if you're the boss then you don't need to work as hard as everyone else." Lacey cursed her runaway mouth once again. Where was all of this coming from? She was trying to keep things on a
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