all the time. She just wants you to understand her point of view. That’s all.”
    “I do understand. I just don’t know what to do about it.” He kept his gaze on the field, avoiding eye contact, as she continued her speech. Rachel lost something too when Allyson died. She and Carmen had grown very close, helping each other cope with the loss. Too close for Alex. He was a private person, not one to wear his feelings on his sleeve. He had intentionally kept Rachel at arm’s length. He had withdrawn from life after Allyson’s death, choosing instead to put up walls to keep the world out. It took him two years of therapy to realize that those walls had kept his daughter out, as well.
    “Are you even listening to me?” Rachel was saying.
    “I’m sorry, what?”
    “She needs a female influence in her life, someone she can talk to about her feelings, things she can’t share with you.”
    Alex stood quietly. He knew she was right. Carmen couldn’t confide in him the way she could a woman. What to do about it was an entirely different question. He wasn’t ready to enter into any kind of relationship.
    “I’m honored that she called me and I’m more than happy to fill that role until you find someone.”
    “What do you mean, until I find someone?”
    “You know what I mean. No one could ever replace Allyson, I’m not saying that. I mean someone to fill that role in the family.”
    “Carmen and I are just fine. Besides, I can’t become involved with anyone. I’m not ready.”
    “Why, because of Allyson?” Rachel waited for a response but received none. “Alex, it’s been two years. Life goes on, if you let it.”
    “Way to swing baby!” Alex shouted. Carmen was at bat. “C’mon baby.”
    Carmen looked toward her father then back at the pitcher. Another pitch and the ball flew between shortstop and third. Carmen ran to first, beating the throw from left field. As she settled onto the bag, she smiled and waved at Rachel, but did not make eye contact with her father.
    “Good job baby, way to run.” Alex cheered.
    “Way to go sweetie.” Rachel shouted to her.
    “She told me she would love to see you start dating.” Rachel turned her attention back to Alex.
    “I told you, I can’t.”
    “Because, it wouldn’t be fair.” Alex realized he was raising his voice.
    “To who?”
    “To the woman, whoever she may be. No one should have to compete with a ghost.” Alex said softly, “She’s still very much a part of me, you know.”
    “She always will be, for Carmen too, but that shouldn’t keep you both from leading a full life. Do you think this is what Allyson would want?”
    “Is that why she called you?”
    “She called me because she didn’t want to be alone on her prom night. And if she calls again, I’ll be there.”
    Alex looked at her. “I know she appreciates it.”
    The ball suddenly flew past Carmen and landed in right field. Carmen headed for second. “Run baby run.” Alex shouted.
    They stood, not speaking for several minutes. Alex didn’t want to seem rude but Rachel was making him very uncomfortable. It wasn’t just the conversation that made him fidget. It was the way the sun glinted off her rich brown hair, accenting the reddish highlight as the breeze gently blew it across her face. Rachel must have noticed. She offered a slight smile and changed the subject.
    “So, on a more serious note,” Rachel smiled, “How much do you know about computers?”
    “Computers? I know just enough to get by at work. Why?”
    “I’ve got this case I’m investigating; a security breech at a car dealership. Someone hacked into their financial files and stole information on everyone who bought a car there for the past six months. There are several prominent people on the list.”
    “How prominent? Alex asked, feigning interest.
    “A few doctors, lawyers, some wealthy business people,” Rachel looked at Alex, “a couple of judges and a state senator.”
    “I’m guessing
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